/ / How, under what varieties and how to treat psoriasis?

How, in what species and how to treat psoriasis?

What is the treatment for psoriasis and its varieties?This question is especially interesting for those who have recently faced such an unpleasant problem. This pathology is a non-infectious chronic disease, which is more affected by the skin. There are quite a few ways how to get rid of this disease. But before taking a number of measures to eliminate it, you should find out which type of psoriasis you are worried about. After all, the therapy of this disease can differ depending on its type and location of localization.

The folk method of treatment of psoriasis on the hands (including elbows)
how to treat psoriasis

Before treating psoriasis (photo of the diseasepresented in this article), you should consult your doctor. But if you do not have such an opportunity, then the affected places of hands can be processed at home. It is worth noting that most often in these areas of the body there are such varieties of psoriasis as pustular or exudative.

So, the answer to the question about what are treated for psoriasis on the hands, the following recipes can serve:

  • should be applied to the sore spot cold compresses from the broth of celandine;
  • it is necessary to make bandages of the bandage, which is required to soak in the decoction of chicory root.

What is the treatment of psoriasis on the legs?

Lower limbs most often affectarthropathic or guttate psoriasis. It is possible to get rid of them with the help of the same lotions as for the hands, as well as using baths with sea salt in conjunction with pharmacy tools intended for this type of disease. If plaque psoriasis is located on the toes or feet, it is recommended to use baths with a weak solution of apple cider vinegar.

Seborrheic psoriasis: how to treat on the head?
seborrheic psoriasis how to treat

Such a defeat is the most unpleasant, soas foci of inflammation on the hair part of the head can persist for months and even years. In order to cure this disease, you can use the following recipes:

  • rub in problem areas 1- or 2 percent salicylic or 5 percent tar ointment;
  • grate the onion on a fine grater and lubricate the affected areas with the resulting gruel;
  • dilute mustard in water, apply it to the inflammation, wrap up the head and withstand a compress until you feel a burning sensation.

To improve the effect of folk remedies, you can additionally use special additives: corticosteroids, cytotoxic drugs, antifungal and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Treatment of psoriatic onychodystrophy

If the disease struck the nail plate, then they should be cut as much as possible and completely abandon any cosmetic products. To treat this trouble in the following ways:

how to treat psoriasis photo

  • regularly lubricate the nails with pharmacy vitamins A and E;
  • make baths with infusion of yarrow (2 large spoons of dried herbs in 2 cups of hot water).

Psoriasis in pregnant women

If the question of how to treat psoriasis arose in a pregnant woman, then the above recipes should be replaced with the following procedures:

  • take more vitamins, more often be in the fresh air, to observe the correct mode of the day and get enough sleep;
  • follow a strict diet, which is prescribed to patients with this disease;
  • press the baths with decoctions, make compresses, but only after consulting with the gynecologist.
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