/ / Cultivation of garlic in the open field. Garlic: planting, care

Cultivation of garlic in the open field. Garlic: planting, care

Garlic is one of the oldest vegetable crops,whose homeland are the foothill regions of Central Asia. This seasoning, and burning spice, and a great medicine. Therefore, no vegetable garden is complete without planting this representative of the Onion family. Cultivation of garlic in the open field usually does not cause major problems for gardeners. It is believed that this is nothing complicated. Yet a good harvest is not easy to grow. Compliance with the rules of agricultural engineering, technology and planting care is necessary for the successful growth of this wonderful vegetable crop.

outdoor garlic cultivation

Garlic: plant history

Невозможно точно установить, с каких времен garlic is present in people's lives. Already in ancient times it was grown in India and used as a medicine. Historians claim that they began to eat it about 5 thousand years ago: the found manuscripts speak of cultivation of garlic in Ancient Rome and Greece, Assyria and the Kingdom of Judah, Egypt and Arab countries. He was found in the tombs of the Pharaohs. The Bible and the Koran mention it, which testifies to the high recognition of this magnificent bulb as a spice and healing plant for ancient civilizations. And today it is difficult to do without this culture, so let's deal with the subtleties of growing such a wonderful plant like garlic.

Landing: choose a place

Landing site is crucial.It should be even, not flooded with spring floods and be on the sunny side. Observe the order of crop rotation should be mandatory: at the same place garlic should be grown no more than 2 years. Ideal predecessors of the plant are zucchini, peas, potatoes, cucumbers.

The soil should be moderately fertile, gooddrained. The general rule when planting is to observe the intervals: 8-10 cm between the teeth and 18-20 cm between the rows. The access of air and light is a prerequisite for good culture growth. In addition, such distances are optimal for the subsequent fertilization and weeding.

Seed preparation

An indispensable rule for high-quality selection of garlic teeth for planting is the selection of the desired variety. There are two types of bulbs - winter and spring.

growing garlic from bulbs
You can land in the spring - then you will needspring garlic. Planting in the winter, of course, involves winter varieties. Bulbs should be selected large, without damage. To divide them into cloves should be immediately before landing. A peculiarity of winter garlic is that it requires long-term stratification for successful growth, that is, being in cold conditions for several months. That is why it is planted in the winter. For high-quality vernalization of garlic at the beginning of development, low temperatures are also required, and this regulates the timing of sowing of spring garlic. It is planted in early spring, as soon as the snow melted, so that the time of vernalization (up to 40 days) passed at an air temperature of + 5–10 ° C.

Planting garlic before winter

Among Russian main gardenersrepresentative of bulbous, planted before the winter, is winter garlic. Growing it is a responsible business: it is necessary to work in the fall, observing the conditions of planting, taking into account the time and place, tillage and the introduction of the necessary fertilizers, and in addition, the choice of the right variety.

garlic planting

Грядку под посадку чеснока следует начать cook a month before planting. It is necessary to dig up the ground well, remove weeds and roots. Then the soil must be carefully leveled and shed peat-humic fertilizer for food and disinfection. After 10 days, make a humus or a well-aged manure infusion at the rate of 10 liters of fertilizer per 2 square meters. m. The earth must be gouged, shed and made grooves, then bring in the ashes and sand in order to avoid the formation of rot.

Terms and technology of planting winter garlic

Favorable time for landing in non-black earthsregions of Russia - the third decade of September. You can not plant garlic earlier - the cloves will have time to release greens and freeze, and the roots will weaken. If you plant later, the garlic does not have time to take root. Garlic is planted, deepening it by 10 cm, into harvested grooves, previously well spilled with water.

Important!Cultivation of garlic in the open field suggests some features. When planting, it is impossible to force down the teeth (gardeners often do this) - starting from compacted soil, the sprouting roots will start pushing the bulb upwards, which will lead to freezing. The final stage of planting is leveling the soil, mulching with peat, sawdust and warming from above with fir fir branches. With a dry autumn, garlic should be watered once a week. A great harvest of garlic can be expected with a good winter with snowfall. Therefore, if the winter is not snowy, and the area of ​​planting for garlic is small, the snow on the beds should be thrown. If you follow these simple rules, the future harvest of garlic will be reliably protected from adverse effects.

cultivation of garlic

Spring garlic: cultivation and features

To activate the growth processes, divided teeth are processed as follows: for 10-12 hours they are soaked in a growth stimulant solution with the addition of several grains of manganese for the prevention of diseases.

So, choosing the kind of spring garlic you like,respectively, having processed it, proceed to spring planting. It should be noted that the early planting of garlic is also explained by the temporary reserve for the possibility of full ripening of the bulbs, which is a guarantee of their high quality and excellent level of keeping quality. It is believed that spring garlic is more useful than winter, and does not lose its healing properties and presentation during storage. Cultivation of garlic in the open field, especially from early spring days, implies maintaining the same intervals as when planted before winter, and subsequent careful observation of the germination and condition of the sprouts.

Garlic is extremely sensitive to soil acidity,therefore, no fresh manure can be applied. As feedings you need to use only humus. When spring planting garlic in water for irrigation is useful to add urea at the rate of 30 grams. 10 liters of water. This amount of solution is enough for 2 square meters. In addition to nitrogen fertilizers, potash phosphate is also needed. The first shoots appear in 12-18 days. During leaf formation, wood ash is needed. In addition, it is an effective deterrent to pests.

Garlic care after planting

spring garlic cultivation

The cultivation of garlic is simple.The main condition for the development of good bulbs is timely feeding. But it is equally important to ensure planting regular watering. The lack of water has a detrimental effect on the development of the bulb, so the main issue is to ensure optimum moisture content of plantings. It is important not to overdo it - excess water is harmful. The norm is watering in the amount of 10 liters per m². By ripening garlic, watering gradually decreases, and in the last 2-3 weeks before harvesting, the need for water disappears. No less important are regular weeding and loosening between the rows. Garlic is harvested during the completion of the plant's life cycle - between the yellowing of the leaves and their drying.

Cultivation of garlic bulbs

The number of teeth in the bulb is limited, thereforethe most promising is the reproduction of culture with bulbs or aerial bulbs. Their use increases the possibility of reproduction of garlic several times. In the northern and temperate latitudes of Russia and Siberia, aerial bulbs are planted in the spring, and it is very important to preserve them in the winter. Well they are stored in inflorescences at a temperature of 15-20 ° C. Two months before landing, in early March, they are moved to a cooler place. Growing garlic from bulbs predetermines several conditions: the onions must ripen and be qualitatively preserved.

Planted in five lines with ribbons, deepeningbulbs on 3 cm, and then mulching the bed with humus. The care of the seedlings is carried out the same as for spring garlic, i.e., weed, water and feed them with any organic matter in a timely manner. In the autumn, single-teeth grow ripe, which are not cleaned, but left to spend the winter, not forgetting to cover the crops and organizing the snow retention. In the spring, they germinate and produce crops in July-August. The cultivation of garlic from bulbs occurs in a two-year cycle, as a result of which an excellent culture is obtained.

garlic winter cultivation

Rare culture - rocambol

Popular in Europe and Asia, the rocambol culture,or hair bow, in Russia so far infrequently found. But gardeners, who have already become acquainted with this crop, appreciated its excellent pleasant taste. According to its biological characteristics, this plant is suitable for cultivation in all Russian regions.

Rokambol is a member of the lily family, butlooks like a large garlic. Rokambol, the cultivation of which is practically no different from the usual garlic, also likes fertile neutral soils, responsive to organic dressings and weeding. With proper care, the bulbs of this culture reach 250-300 grams.

Diseases and pests

garlic rokambol cultivation

Many pests are parasitic on plants,causing irreversible harm to garlic. The most common of these are the stem nematode and garlic mite. They are capable of harming not only during the development of culture, but also during storage. In addition to phytophagous insects, there are also diseases of garlic, the most dangerous of which are peronosporosis, cervical rot, and fusarium. The main measures to combat diseases and pests are preventive measures: maintaining crop rotation, timely destruction of infected plants and infected bulbs, preparation of planting material. Possible and careful use of fungicides. Industrial cultivation of garlic involves more intensive use of such drugs. Nevertheless, it is the modest summer cottages that give a healthier harvest, since any gardener is very meticulous about the use of chemicals, preferring to do it with more gentle methods.

Cultivation of garlic in the open field involves carrying out simple, but requiring attention operations, the implementation of which guarantees a good harvest of a wonderful crop.

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