/ / The drug "Troxevasin" - gel and capsules: indications for use and the expected effect

The drug "Troxevasin" - gel and capsules: indications for use and the expected effect

"Troxevasin" is a medicinalA drug that effectively affects the walls of large vessels and capillaries. It strengthens them and reduces their fragility, increases tone, fights against inflammation, has an anti-coagulant effect and prevents the adhesion of platelets to the walls of blood vessels. In addition, troxevasin, gel or capsule, has a pronounced antioxidant effect. Due to these properties, the drug is actively used in medical practice for such diseases as varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and periphlebitis. The active substance in troxevasin is flavonoid troxerutin.

With chronic venous insufficiency,especially accompanied by pain and swelling, also shows the use of the drug "Troxevasin". The gel is usually combined with taking capsules (2 capsules per day, maintaining a dose of 1 capsule). Due to this drug, the manifestations of venous insufficiency are significantly reduced: the pain becomes weaker, the edema decreases, and varicose ulcers are formed less often. Troxevasin-gel is able to cope with unpleasant sensations of "filling" and heaviness in the legs. Due to its use, convulsions caused by venous insufficiency become much less pronounced, and unaesthetic vascular "stars" are less noticeable. In addition, troxevasin prevents the appearance of new telangiectasias. It is successfully used to treat bruises: swelling of traumatic origin in this case is much faster.

Capsules "Troxevasin" are indicated for use inhemorrhoids, including those that developed during pregnancy (starting with its second trimester, only according to the doctor's prescription!). They bring considerable relief, reducing itching and pain, eliminating and preventing bleeding. They should be taken twice a day. The initial dose is two to three capsules (600-900 mg) per day. Admission of such a dose is usually prescribed for a period of two weeks, after which it is usually revised upwards or downwards, or treatment is canceled altogether, if the desired effect has been achieved. At the same time, it remains for at least four weeks. The total duration of the course depends on the severity of the symptoms of the disease - on average, it is three to four weeks. As a maintenance therapy, one capsule of troxevasin per day can be recommended for two or more weeks.

"Troxevasin-gel" for external useis supplied in tubes of 40 g. One gram of this drug contains 20 mg of troxerutin. It is applied to problem areas twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, gently rubbing into the skin. Half an hour or so later, its active substances penetrate the skin, and after a couple of hours - into the subcutaneous fatty tissue. This remedy can be used only with intact skin: if it has open wounds, eczema and other lesions - it is strictly forbidden to use troxevasin-gel! The instruction also warns of the inadmissibility of using it on the mucous membranes.

The reception of capsules "Troxevasin" is contraindicated intime of pregnancy, as well as with peptic ulcer and gastritis. When allergies and sensitive skin should be used with caution and troxevasin-gel. The instructions for using this remedy warn of possible side effects: burning and itching, redness of the skin and rashes. Urticaria and eczema may also occur during the administration of troxevasin in capsules. The drug should be stopped immediately and consult a specialist to prescribe antihistamines. Consultation with a doctor is also necessary when treatment with troxevasin for several weeks does not bring the desired effect. In this case, it is necessary to replace it with another drug of a similar action.

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