/ / Diflucan preparation: instructions for use

Diflucan preparation: instructions for use

Часто женщины сталкиваются с такой проблемой, как vaginal candidiasis: in everyday life called simply "thrush". And other fungal diseases - not a very pleasant thing. Currently, there is a large number of drugs that help fight these diseases. Because of its relative safety and effectiveness, "Diflucan" enjoys popularity, the instruction for its use is very important for the proper use of the drug.

This drug is recommended for the treatment of not only all kinds of candidiasis, but also deep mycoses, fungal skin lesions, as well as for the prevention of these diseases in cancer patients and AIDS patients.

The preparation is in the form of capsules, a solution forinjection or powder to prepare the suspension. The main active substance is flucanazole. The scheme of admission, dose and duration of treatment depends on the nature of the disease, its severity and other individual characteristics. Before taking Diflucan, you should consult your doctor. In some cases, for example, with thrush, it is often enough to take a single capsule. In other, more serious diseases, you may need long-term treatment and subsequent restorative therapy.

Для того чтобы использовать при заболевании "Diflucan", instructions for use should be carefully studied, since there is a small amount of contraindications. These include pregnancy and lactation, simultaneous use with some other drugs (eg, astemizole, cisapride and others), high sensitivity to the components contained in it. In this case, "Diflucan" can be used even for newborns. The drug was a large number of studies, and none of them showed serious consequences, in general, it was very well tolerated.

If it is necessary to cure vulvovaginalcandidiasis, it is often enough to take one capsule, after which all unpleasant symptoms decrease and gradually disappear. When chronic thrush is worth consulting with a doctor about the possible therapy, but if you use "Diflucan", the instructions for use recommend you drink the drug once a month for one capsule for six months.

For the treatment of pityriasis lichen preparationIt is applied 2 times on 300 mg (2 capsules on 150 mg) with a break in a week. With fungal infections of the skin, "Diflucan" is recommended to drink 50 mg per day, with therapy lasting, as a rule, 2-4 weeks. In the event that foot infections are infected, a longer course is possible - up to 6 weeks.

Preparation "Diflucan" instructions for useand recommends elderly people, however, they should not have symptoms of renal failure. During the reception, it is necessary to consult with the doctor and periodically take tests, in case the levels of transaminases change, it is better to cancel the treatment or replace the medicine. For children, the drug is given in doses that take into account their weight and form of the disease, but in any case the excess of the daily allowance is inadmissible.

Much higher absorption of the drug "Diflucansuspension ", the instruction to which differs from that for the agent in capsules.Dosage, as well as the method of application of the drug are different.The indications for treatment in this case will be similar.

In case of an overdosage, gastric lavage and forced diuresis are effective. There may be hallucinations, delayed psycho-motor reactions.

This drug may have suchside effects like nausea, vomiting, headache, allergic reactions, swelling. In such cases, the subsequent use of it must necessarily be agreed with the doctor.

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