/ / "Otrivin" for children: instruction manual for children, features and feedback

"Otrivin" for children: instructions for use for children, features and feedback

During treatment of the common cold in childhooda great emphasis is placed on moisturizing and cleansing the mucous membrane. In addition, sometimes vasoconstrictors are required. Otrivin products include a variety of medications, including safe isotonic solutions for children, as well as medications that affect adrenoreceptors.

otrivin children spray

About which of them are resolved, are appointedENT doctors and pediatricians, as well as the features of dosage, applications, analogs and reviews, we will discuss in this article. The instruction for the children's "Otrivin" is very detailed.

Is it allowed to treat children with Otrivin?

Among the medicines of this company there are drugs that are designed specifically for the treatment of children. These are such tools as:

  • "Otryvin Baby" - a drug in the form of nasal drops, is allowed to use even for the treatment of newborns, in the form of a spray is prescribed from three months;
  • "Otrivin child" - this drug can be used from two years.

Otryvin Baby

There are two medicines under this name:

  • Капли, которые представляют собой натрия хлорида solution. It is a sterile, transparent liquid in disposable plastic bottles with a volume of five milliliters, equipped with a special dropper. In one pack - eighteen bottles. In addition to sodium chloride at a concentration of 0.74%, it also includes sterile water, sodium phosphate, sodium hydrophosphate and macrogol.
  • A spray based on sea salt. This drug is an isotonic solution in which there are no different preservatives. In one bottle - 20 ml of solution.
    otrivin child instruction

Для малышей безопасен «Отривин Море», в связи с than this drug is used to treat children over the age of three months. The remaining varieties of "Otrivin" at an early age are contraindicated. "Otrivin More Forte" can be used for patients over six years of age, "Otrivin" in the form of a spray is prescribed only at the age of twelve.

The manufacturer also offers along with the datameans nasal aspirator "Otrivin Baby" with disposable interchangeable nozzles. It is designed for those children who still can not blow their own nose, effectively helps to remove mucus from the nasal passages.

Operating principle

"Otrivin Baby" has the following influence:

  • moistens the nasal mucosa, which is especially important if the air is too dry, for example, during the heating season;
  • eliminates bacteria, dust particles, allergens and viruses from the surface of the mucous membrane;
  • increases the stability of the upper respiratory tract to infectious agents of other unfavorable factors;
  • makes mucus more liquid, which will help to remove it more easily and improve nasal breathing;
  • reduces irritation of the mucous membrane, which occurs due to inhalation of dirty air or a cold.
    otrivin children's Price

Application features

"Otrivin Baby" in the form of spray and drops is recommended:

  • as prevention of colds and colds in the winter;
  • for hygienic treatment of the nose every day;
  • for the treatment of bacterial, allergic and viral rhinitis;
  • for the treatment of sinusitis;
  • in order to increase the humidity of the nasopharynx with very dry air in the room;
  • as a preventive measure, to avoid inflammation in response to surgery in the area of ​​the nasal passages.


To drip or inject "Otrivin Baby" is prohibited only in case of intolerance to these funds. It is necessary to make sure that there are no allergic reactions from the body.

Correct application

"Otrivin Baby" need to drip from two to fouronce a day, in some cases more often. In order to drip the remedy, you need to put the child and turn his head to the side. In addition, you first need to remove excess discharge from the nose (for example, using suction). After opening the bottle, you need to click on it to get a few drops and pour them into the nasal passage.

After a few seconds, you need to pick up and put the baby, wipe out leaked product and repeat the procedure if necessary.

baby aspirator otrivin

The same steps are required for processing.another nasal passage. After that, the bottle is screwed cap and stored at room temperature. If there are several children in the family, a new bottle should be used for each child.

Спреем обрабатывают также от двух до четырех раз per day, if necessary, injection is allowed to do more often. Dose - one injection into the nostril. First, the cap is removed from the bottle, then you need to press the sprayer several times (at the first application), place the tip into the nostril and press on its base to spray the spray into the nasal passage. Then you need to repeat the manipulation with the second nostril, rinse the tip and close it with a lid.

Acquisition and storage

Otrivin Baby Preparations are sold without a prescription,therefore, they can be purchased at any pharmacy. On average, the drops cost about 280 rubles. Both forms of the drug are stored for three years. Already opened container with drops should be stored no more than twelve hours.

Also on sale is an aspirator for children "Otrivin Baby", which is designed to get rid of nasal secretions.

Nasal aspirator is not used in children with allergies to the components of this product. Instructions for the aspirator:

  • A one-time replaceable nozzle is attached to the central segment of the body (the nozzle is purchased separately from the aspirator).
  • The mouthpiece of the device is placed in the mouth and inserted.aspirator tip into child's nasal passage. It is necessary to carry out uniform breaths through the mouthpiece, gently drawing in air by mouth. When filling with mucus, you should change the nozzle.
  • With respect to the other nasal passage, conduct a similar process.
  • The used nozzle is recycled.
    otrivin child application

Drug "Otrivin children"

This drug is presented in the form of a spray and is available in bottles of polyethylene with a protective cap and pump device. In one pack is ten milliliters of solution without color and smell.


The main component of Otrivin Children's isXylometazoline hydrochloride. Its quantity in one milliliter of the agent is 0.5 mg (0.05% solution). This substance is supplemented with benzalkonium chloride, sorbitol, pure water, hypromellose, sodium chloride, sodium dihydrogen phosphate, edetate disodium, sodium hydrogen phosphate.

Influence mechanism

"Otrivin children" can affectalpha adrenoreceptors, which are located in the nasal mucosa. Due to this narrowed blood vessels. The therapeutic effect after using the spray is observed rather quickly, already for a couple of minutes, and lasts up to twelve hours.

Применение «Отривина» такого типа позволяет to significantly reduce the redness of the membrane and swelling of the nasopharynx, mucus is already released in a smaller volume, and as a result, breathing through the nose improves. Since the preparation contains hypromellose and sorbitol, its use also has a moisturizing effect, protecting the nasopharynx from excessive dryness and irritation.

otrivin children's instructions for use

When does it apply?

Children's spray "Otrivin" especially in demandthe presence of rhinitis, which can be caused by both allergens and infectious agents. The tool is also prescribed for otitis media, eustachitis or inflammatory process in the paranasal sinuses. The spray is applied before surgical or diagnostic manipulation in the nasopharynx.

List of contraindications

Лекарственное средство не используется при increased blood pressure in a child, in the presence of tachycardia or a previous operation on the brain. In addition, the children's spray "Otrivin" can not be used by patients with glaucoma and hyperthyroidism. It cannot be injected also during atrophic mucosal transformations and intolerance of any substance in the composition.

In case of diabetes mellitus or a diagnosed pheochromocytoma, medical supervision is necessary when using Otrivin.

Side effects

During the application of the child "Otrivina"there is burning, tingling and dryness in the nose, nausea, palpitations, headache, sneezing and other signs. When they appear, you must immediately inform the specialist.

Instructions for use

At the age of 2 to 5 years, spray children are prescribed.one injection into the nostril 1-3 times a day. From 6 to 11 years old, you can use 1-2 injections 2-3 times. Last time applied immediately before bedtime. The duration of treatment depends on the course of the disease, however, “Otrivin” cannot be used for more than ten days, since there is a possibility of mucosal atrophy or the occurrence of a medical rhinitis.

otrivin child spray instruction

What is the danger of overdose?

If you exceed the recommended dose of the drug forchildren experience dizziness, excessive sweating, a decrease in body temperature, a slow heartbeat, and other symptoms that are dangerous to the health of a small patient. That is why an overdose requires an urgent appeal for qualified assistance.

What is the "Otrivin children" price?


Buy drops can for 250-260 rubles, spray for 220 rubles.

Together with these tools, it is recommended to buy the Otrivin Baby nasal aspirator, the price of which varies from the number of disposable tips. The average price is 300 rubles.


To replace the children's “Otrivin”, you can use similar solutions, which differ in price and application features:

  • "Marimer."
  • Salin;
  • Fluimarin;
  • "Physiomer";
  • Aqua Maris;
  • Nazol Aqua;
  • "Aqualore Baby";
  • "Humer";
  • "Morenazal."

We reviewed the children's spray "Otrivin" instruction.


Преимущественное количество отзывов об the use of all drugs Otrivin have a positive character. Thus, the drug in the form of drops is considered safe for the body of the child, easy to use, has a convenient form and is well tolerated. The advantages of a child "Otrivina" are fast efficiency, low price, long storage period.

The disadvantages include the frequent occurrence of adverse symptoms, such as burning inside the nose. But warns about this instruction on the use of "Otrivina children."

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