/ / What is the swelling of the hands. Causes of the disease

What is the swelling of the hands. Causes of the disease

Why can swelling of the hands develop?The causes of this phenomenon are several diseases. In fact, swelling is an increase in tissue due to accumulation of lymphatic fluid in it. The basis of this problem is a bad outflow of lymph and blood.

Swelling of the hands: causes

There are actually many reasons:this is the increase in pressure inside the capillaries, this is an increase in the permeability of their walls, a low level of protein in the blood. And, of course, various human diseases can be prerequisites.

swelling of the hands of the cause

If there are swelling of the hands, the reasons for thisThe anomalies are most often the fluid retention. The most exploited part of our body is the fingers, which is why they are most often affected by lesions. Especially often suffer from swelling of pregnant women. In their case, fluid retention occurs in the body. Perhaps this is the case for women before the onset of menstruation. In elderly patients, the problem usually is the accumulation of fluid in the tissues. Also, swelling of the hands is possible, the causes of which are the violation of the kidney and liver, due to arthritis, various diseases of the blood and the heart, and also because of infections.

Taking into account all the above factorssuggests a finding of the prevalence of such a disease as swelling of the hands. The causes of this phenomenon are most often associated with the accumulation of water in the body. So, you can get rid of the problem by removing it from it. There are many ways for this, but it is absolutely necessary to see a doctor. He will find out why the hands swell. Causes of the disease will also be able to correctly identify a specialist, in accordance with this, he will prescribe treatment.

causes the hands to sweat

The first aid for edema can be provided by folkmedicine. Recipes of seasoned herbalists often bring more benefits than drug treatment. They are simple and easy to use, and the right components can be purchased at any pharmacy. However, the removal of water from the body, can, and remove the swelling of hands, the causes of this phenomenon will remain inside the body. Therefore, a specialist should be examined.

Folk recipes

Deduce fluid from the body diuretics.These are the following herbs: lingonberry, bear ears, field horsetail, linden flowers, birch buds. Special herbal collections are also used to remove fluid from the body, however, there are some contraindications to their use. The course of treatment is 20 days. It is very important to limit the use of liquid.

swelling of the hands
There is another folk method that is appliedwith swelling of the fingers. Before bed, fingers need to be wrapped in foil and wrapped warmly. Three such sessions - and you can forget about pain for a long time. If the swelling does return, repeat the procedure.

Of course, one should not neglect swellingphysical culture. The most useful exercise is to stand on all fours. In this position, the pressure on the ureter decreases, and all fluid rushes from the kidneys to the bladder. If you exercise regularly, you can get rid of the problem quickly.

If swelling occurs frequently, then you need to takerule to prevent them. To do this, take a contrast shower, do gymnastics, massage your fingers and hands. Need more rest and less nervous. This is a recipe against all diseases.

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