/ / Methods of cancer diagnosis, treatment, clinic

Methods of diagnosis of cancer, treatment, clinic

Cancer is a disease that develops inas a result of the fact that some part of healthy cells turns into non-viable, not performing their functions and roles. In another case, cells that have altered DNA can become cancerous tumors.

Many people are interested in the definition of cancer.at the earliest stages and how it is possible to be examined for oncology in order to get the most accurate result, to start treatment in time or to remove fears of a dangerous diagnosis.

Diagnosis of cancer will be discussed in this article.

early detection of cancer

How does cancer occur?

Normally, the body itself is capableeliminate altered cells, but quite often there are such cases when there are so many such cells that the body itself can no longer cope with this task. Such cells only increase with time, and tumors or other manifestations occur. Experts have identified 200 different types of cancer, given the many possible factors: the place of appearance, shape, etc.

Early detection of cancer is important.

How can you fight oncology?

Можно найти огромное количество советов народной medicine, which shows and tells how to effectively deal with cancer. They all talk about miraculous healings, but unfortunately, they were all contrived, and never had any real results. The methods that are currently used in medicine, especially abroad, can be called truly effective methods. Such methods include radiosurgery and radiation therapy.

Methods for the diagnosis of cancer

In the treatment of cancer, the most important is earlydiagnostics. If you identify the disease in time, you can choose the most appropriate way to combat cancer and ensure the correct treatment of cancer of a particular type. To determine the disease using a variety of methods for the diagnosis of cancer.

Examination by a doctor

And of course, the doctor’s examination is the mostthe first method. At the first examination, a competent doctor will be able to identify the patient’s suspicions of cancer and send him to do tests and analyzes. Perhaps this is an important stage, because it is not so easy to distinguish cancer from the usual. A person can walk for a long time and do completely unsuitable tests. In the meantime, the cancer will grow larger and only progress.

What else is the diagnosis of cancer?

Biochemical and complete blood count

Usually, a complete blood count does not change with cancer, but there are indicators that need to be paid attention to:

  • accelerated ESR, increased hemoglobin levels, and large numbers of red blood cells;
  • unreasonable acceleration of ESR at normal white blood cell count;
  • development of anemia, unexplained decrease in hemoglobin level.
    diagnosis of lung cancer

Complete blood count for leukemia can be the first signal of the disease:

  • decrease in hemoglobin level;
  • low or large number of individual elements;
  • accelerated ESR;
  • change in the percentage of cells leukocyte level.

Cancer can also be detected by biochemical blood tests. It is necessary to guard and worry about the nearest study in such cases:

  • there is an increase in transaminase activity - this can be said about kidney, liver and pancreatic cancer;
  • there is a significant increase in calcium levels - this will indicate thyroid cancer and kidney cancer;
  • there are constant violations of the level of hormones - most endocrine-dependent tumors in the initial stages make themselves felt only by changes in the level of hormones.


Only oncomarkers in the blood that were identifiedduring a biochemical analysis, will detect cancer. Oncomarkers are the vital products of malignant tumors, proteins with antibodies that produce healthy tissues that respond to invasion of cancer cells.

Но анализы на онкомаркеры, к сожалению, не имеют mass popularity. The reasons are on the one hand - the high cost, on the other - there are frequent mistakes, sometimes they show a positive result if there are normal inflammatory processes. The most popular types of tumor markers that can detect cancer are CA 125 (ovarian cancer), PSA (prostate cancer), CA 15-3 (breast tumors), CA 19-9 (gastrointestinal cancer), CEA (lung cancer, large intestine, bladder, cervix, breast and pancreas, liver).

Genetic analyzes

In clinics, the diagnosis of cancer is becoming more common.

Genetic tests are carried out not only for healthy people, but for those already sick. They have the ability to identify the susceptibility of the organism to cell transformation, mutations.

Some women who have learned that they havethey have such a gene, they do prophylactic mastectomy. But this radical procedure does not give an absolute guarantee not to get breast cancer in the future.

Also in the diagnosis of lung cancer, for example, radiography is used.

breast cancer diagnosis


So far, there is a standard routine X-ray examination procedure. But more sophisticated x-ray techniques can be performed.


This type of survey is intended fordiagnosing lung cancer or monitoring postoperative changes. To do this, under local or general anesthesia, a contrast agent is injected into the lungs, then a series of shots are taken.


Another type of x-ray study.Angiography is used to examine the vessels with a contrast agent. With this procedure, you can notice the vascular network of education. This method will well help with different types of therapy.

How is breast cancer diagnosed?


In our world, mammography is common.procedure during a routine inspection. It can also be used to more accurately establish a diagnosis of breast cancer. This procedure is carried out, slightly compressing the chest, in order to avoid incorrect interpretation.

diagnosis of gastric cancer

Magnetic resonance imaging

The method of research using magnetic resonance imaging allows you to examine the internal organs and human tissues. It is based on the use of nuclear magnetic resonance.

MRI is a high-tech methodexamination, which allows you to look at the human body from the inside and detect many pathologies and diseases, for example, you can identify neurological disorders, injuries of the musculoskeletal system and cancer tumors. So is the diagnosis of gastric cancer.

MRI can accurately assess the structureinternal organs, detect traumatic changes, various tumors and other pathologies, examine the functions of organs (measure the flow of cerebrospinal fluid, blood flow velocity, etc.). You can also get real-time images of the work of an internal organ, such as the heart.

Magnetic resonance imaging has a hugevalue in oncology, especially in the early detection of tumors. At the moment, no other method of diagnosis can see a tumor with a size of 1-3.5 mm. It can also be assumed without exaggeration that cancer screening with the help of MRI is the main tool to detect malignant and benign tumors throughout the human body. It will allow not only to detect cancerous tumors, but also with the utmost precision to reveal their nature, size and establish the exact location.

MRI is indicated for patients who havesuspected cancer or already diagnosed. In the case of an already diagnosed MRI is prescribed to clarify the prevalence of pathological processes and choose a more optimal treatment regimen.

Also, magnetic resonance imaging can not only detect a local tumor, but also reveal metastases.

cancer diagnostic methods


Isotope bone examination, or scintigraphy,used to detect bone metastases. You can conduct this study to determine the success of therapeutic interventions for metastases and bone tumors.

Endoscopic examinations

Endoscopy is used to examine the genitalorgans. Using special devices, the doctor can see what is happening in the organs. It is also possible to document what the doctor saw with the help of photo, video and digital technologies. You can take a biological tumor material for analysis.

For the detection of tumors in gastrooncology use:

  • gastroscopy;
  • esophagoscopy;
  • rectoromaniae;
  • duodenoscopy;
  • colonoscopy.

In pulmonary oncology use:

  • thoracoscopy;
  • bronchoscopy.

In oncourology apply:

  • nephroscopy;
  • cystoscopy;
  • urethroscopy.

In gynecology conduct research using:

  • hysteroscopy;
  • colposcopy.

What else can help diagnose cancer in the early stages?

cancer diagnosis clinic


Using PET-CT at the molecular levelvisualize the processes occurring in the body. Often used to detect metastases in a cancerous tumor or for more accurate studies, for example, in order to identify the stage of the disease, the prevalence in the organ and beyond. This method will allow you to determine exactly what work needs to be done during surgery.


Биопсия представляет собой метод взятия ткани из possible tumor to conduct cytological and histological examination of the material. This procedure is considered to be one of the most unsafe, but is the most accurate way to examine malignant tumors.

We reviewed the main methods of diagnosis. Cancer treatment is provided below.

Cancer treatment methods

After a cancer has been identified and its type has already been identified, it is necessary to choose a specific method of dealing with cancer. These methods include:

  • ChemotherapyThis method of treatment of cancer is the use of cytotoxic drugs that prevent the division of cancer cells. Abroad, constantly developing the latest and improved cytotoxic substances for the treatment of cancer.
  • RadiotherapyIts use consists in the interaction of radiation rays with the DNA of cancer cells. This method is very dangerous for immunity, but it is improved over time, gradually reducing its effect on immunity.
cancer diagnosis and treatment
  • Immunotherapy This method can be applied at any stage of cancer therapy, since it can reduce the effect of the disadvantages of other methods, especially radiological.
  • Bone marrow transplantation. Such a method may be necessary in the treatment of oncohematology.
  • Surgical method. This method involves the surgical removal of the tumor. This method is the most dangerous and coarse and can not remove the tumor in hard to reach places.

Oncology is constantly expanding this list, but currently actively used methods are all listed above.

These are the methods of diagnosis of cancer and its treatment exist today.

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