/ / The medical term "urgent" is what does it mean?

The medical term "urgent" is what does it mean?

The medical term "urgent" is a descriptiona critical state of human health, which will end with severe complications without first aid. The definition is used in various branches: psychological, surgical. If you do not help urgently in the cases described, everything can be fatal.

Meaningful meaning

The term "urgent" is a derived word fromEnglish urgent. In translation means: "urgent, urgent, urgent". It is used in a compound definition - ambulance, or urgent care.

urgent is

The literal meaning acquires a different meaning. It all depends on what kind of sphere we are talking about:

  • Urgent surgery is an emergency that saves a patient's life.
  • In psychology, the definition is used in relation to character dependence on circumstances when a person experiences fears due to lack of time.
  • The term "urgent" is used to designate the regime in the clinic - on duty, the patient's days on a hospital bed.

What are the urgent-states of the patient?

Urgent condition is a critical situation that arises in any field of medicine: gynecology, urology, cardiology, neurosurgery, etc. The list of complications is extensive, we present some of them:

  • Shock: traumatic, anaphylactic, strong-willed, septic.
  • Heatstroke.
  • Crisis: hypocalcemic, hypertonic, addisonic.
  • Myocardial infarction.
  • Coma: myxedema, hepatic, hypoglycemic, diabetic.
  • Sepsis.
  • Asphyxia.
  • Pulmonary edema.
  • Paraphimosis.

urgent state is

These conditions require urgent measures to save a person's life.

Concept in psychiatric medicine

A deviation of health is an addictionurgent. This is a condition in which a person experiences constant stress due to fear of losing time. Such experiences are peculiar to men and women of mature age from 25 to 50 years. Subjective feelings cause the patient to monitor every minute of life and exercise control.

Highlights the following characteristics of an urgent personality:

  • Constant reflection on labor duties, finding ways to keep the seconds in the spotlight. Because of nervous tension, a feeling of dissatisfaction is growing.
  • Addicts strive to be executive at the expense of their lives, family, health, full rest. Relations with others are receding into the background.
  • Particular attention is paid to the additional requirements for work, which are ready to perform even in private time.
  • The present is not perceived, the loss of the ability to rejoice leads to fixation on the tasks of the future.
  • The brain of an addict constantly scrolls failures, unresolved situations from a life.
  • Страх будущего занимает всю сущность ургентного rights. This provokes fear of making decisions, makes a person unprepared for change. Personal goals and ambitions abate, the control of the passing time comes to the fore.

urgent help is

Аддикты сразу берутся за выполнение огромного number of tasks. Not having fulfilled one goal, they are thrown to another. In their opinion, each new problem is always more significant than the previous one. Against the backdrop of nervousness, a person commits mistakes, even in winning situations, impulsively drives everyone into a dead end.

Value at hospitalization

In urgent situations, an urgenthelp. These are activities to save health, and sometimes human life. More often such actions become resuscitation aid to the victims. In an acute period of complications, a rapid diagnosis of the body's condition is carried out, in which it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the situation.

To the doctors there are exaggerated demands. So, at a critical level of health surgeons resort to the following types of emergency care:

  • Preparatory measures to normalize the patient.
  • Operative care, resuscitative methodsdiagnosis and emergency procedures. The average time of effectiveness measures is not more than 30 minutes, delaying the process often leads to the death of patients.
  • Emergency operation for 2 hours.
  • Delayed assistance is spent 72 hours.
  • The early planned operation can be carried out in an interval of up to three days.

What is the definition of a complication in the thyroid gland?

Thyrotoxic crisis is defined as urgentsituation. This condition is a consequence of the pathology of the thyroid gland. Diagnosis of malaise in laboratory tests takes time, and for the patient who is admitted, every second is important.

urgent situation is

In such cases, doctors determine the clinicalsymptoms. These include increased heart rate, rapid breathing, tachycardia. The extreme stage of the complication is a coma. On the part of the digestive system, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain are observed. Feverish manifestations are accompanied by a body temperature above 39 degrees.

Much later, resuscitation assistance to the patientdoctors conduct laboratory tests, which confirms or refutes the preliminary diagnosis. Urgent conditions are required to be systematized and to develop a clear sequence of actions with mixed clinical symptoms.

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