/ BRB game term. What means? When is it used?

The gaming term is BRB. What means? When is it used?

As you know, computer games like people of differentages and nationalities. With the advent of the Internet, passing a favorite shooter or RPG went beyond the four walls of the gamer's room. Multiplayer games appeared, the plot and gameplay of which very quickly conquered the widest audience, which went beyond the limits of not only one country, but also the mainland. The dynamism of the gameplay, as well as the lack of basic knowledge of English for most users, led to the emergence of a special slang. AFK, GG, BRB - what does each of these terms mean?

On the history of the game slang

First of all, the appearance of a convenient gamingSlang gamers are required to English. As is known, in many countries of the world he is taught in schools as an additional one. All sorts of politicians, gathering at international conferences, speak to each other in English. Stars and musicians, speaking in non-native countries, appeal to the public in the same language. Gamers are no exception. Having chosen English as the most common language, they very soon faced two significant problems:

  • The gameplay is dynamic, it takes too much time to write some commands in the chat.
  • Most players have difficulty communicating in a foreign language, despite the fact that English is quite common.

brb which means

The need to create a language that does not force a playerspending precious seconds, sometimes capable of changing the course of the game, and at the same time understandable to each user, and led to the emergence of gaming slang.

What does BRB mean in games?

The answer to this question will help appeal tothe source of the expression. What does the British BRB mean? The term is derived from the phrase be right back, which translated into Russian means "I will be back soon." Do not confuse it with the more common expression of AFK, meaning that the player is not there. Nevertheless, these two terms are very similar to each other, and if we look at them in more detail, what does the BRB mean? Deciphering the phrase means that the person who wrote it will return to the computer very soon, unlike the author of the second expression. In addition, AFK also acts as an insult, so they say about people who do not respond to in-game messages, and pretend that they have moved away from the game device.

what does brb mean for the British

Features of game slang

Почему в игре лучше использовать такие abbreviations like BRB? What does this statement mean? At first, a player may negatively regard an incomprehensible slang. Especially if moral principles force him to always write correctly, not to make mistakes in words and to follow the rules of placement of punctuation marks. Moreover, a person, entering the game and seeing the level of communication of the local inhabitants, can feel superior, and promise himself never to stoop to this. This desire is commendable, but does it give much to improve the skill of the game?

what does brb mean in games

Конечно, стоит понимать, что если игровой процесс proceeds calmly, the character stands in the city and collects potions for the coming battle, and the person controlling him can only entertain himself with conversations with friends, you can afford a calm and measured conversation. But if a peaceful environment gives way to a battle? When events unfold too quickly, the enemy constantly attacks, and if you spend time writing the team to the allies, can you miss an important detail? And it can turn into defeat. In addition, many players are much easier to perceive well-established slang. Do not sometimes neglect such convenient expressions as BRB.

What does the term GG mean?

Another common term most oftenused in MOVA games. Translated from English, this is a "good game." Usually written at the end of the match, as a sign of respect for the opponent who won.

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На первый взгляд, игровой сленг обширен и тяжело it is absorbed, but by remembering the most common expressions, for example, BRB, which means that when used, you can gradually learn the rest. It’s not so important how a person communicates with the allies, the main thing is that they understand each other and go together to their intended goal, to victory. It is very important to have patience, a friendly attitude, and in no case do not descend to insults, then mutual support and success to the team are guaranteed.

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