/ / Why Folic Acid Is Needed For Men

Why Folic Acid Is Important for Men

Фолиевая кислота прекрасно отражается на работе heart and blood vessels, maintains their healthy state. This vitamin should be taken to restore and strengthen immunity, to stimulate the activities of all human organs. Basically, this drug is prescribed for women bearing a child. But folic acid for men is as important, it has a positive effect on their body.

To begin with, this vitamin is not necessaryonly for the course of normal pregnancy, but also in the process of conception of the baby. The lack of folic acid in the body can lead to serious consequences. Vitamin B group has scientifically proven its influence on the process of baby's inception - folic acid for men is needed, as it provides high quality of sperm. Scientists have found that those representatives of the strong half, in which the body contains a low amount of this vitamin, are at risk - they may not have enough chromosomes in the sperm. This often leads to serious threats to the health of the unborn child. That is why it is important to take medications that make up for the number of chromosomes, the lack of which can lead to the fact that the future baby may have mental and physical deviations. This proves once again that folic acid for men is seriously needed to later become the father of a healthy and strong, and most importantly - not lagging behind in the development of a child.

Человеку в зрелом возрасте также нужно принимать vitamin B, which contributes to the preservation of mental abilities. That is, people who regularly take folic acid, have a good memory and ingenuity in old age, those skills that are lost in the course of time.

Folic acid for men is also necessary in order to protect themselves from diseases such as atherosclerosis and anemia.

Итак, мы рассмотрели, как необходима фолиевая acid for men, the dosage is determined depending on whether the person takes together more vitamins or not. Usually the drug is prescribed to the stronger sex for 3-4 mg, but this is when they do not take a multivitamin additionally. If you take into account them, the dose decreases, depending on how much is not enough to the required amount. For example, a man who consumes multivitamins, where folic acid already contains 1 mg, should take a pure vitamin B group in a dosage of about 2-3 mg.

The need for this drug is provenfor all people, regardless of age and sex. In old age, folic acid helps to solve many problems, and during pregnancy planning - conceive and tolerate a healthy baby. Scientists have found that couples who took folic acid in prescribed amounts had children without developmental defects. In addition, a sufficient number of vitamins leads to the fact that the future baby will not have Down syndrome.

To understand how to drink folic acid,consultation with the doctor is necessary. It is not recommended to take medications on your own. This applies to vitamins, because their excess can adversely affect the body, not to mention the benefits. During pregnancy, a woman up to 12 weeks old can start taking folic acid herself, and then the dose increases depending on the general condition of the expectant mother. It became clear that men should not neglect the use of vitamins. After all, both the mother and the father are responsible for the health of the child. How to take such drugs, in what dosage and the better they are washed down - will advise only the attending physician, relying on individual parameters and human characteristics.

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