/ / The drug "Arbidol" - composition, instructions for use

The drug "Arbidol" - composition, instructions for use

The medicine "Arbidol" is an antiviral andimmunomodulating medication, inducer of interferon synthesis. The therapeutic effect of this drug in viral infections is to reduce the manifestations of general intoxication and clinic, reducing the duration of the disease.

Form of release of the drug "Arbidol", composition

Tablets with a coat, white or slightlycream color shade, have a biconvex shape. 1 tablet contains active ingredient - multicomponent ethyl ester of carboxylic acid - 100 mg and additional ingredients in the composition: starch of potato, methylcellulose, aerosil, calcium stearate, sugar, magnesium carbonate core, polyvinylpyrrolidone, flour, talc, titanium dioxide, pigment, beeswax.

Pharmacological action of Arbidol

The composition of the drug causes itantiviral activity consisting in immunomodulating and anti-influenza action, specific suppression of influenza viruses from group A and B. The antiviral effect of the drug Arbidol, the description given in the instruction, explains its interferon-inducing property; stimulate the humoral and cellular responses of immunity, as well as the phagocytic function of macrophages.

The composition of ingredients included in the medicine "Arbidol" is capable of:

  • not to give a course to the development of post-influenza complications;
  • prevent exacerbations of chronic diseases;
  • normalize the immunological status of the organism.

Antiviral activity is due to resistance to the fusion of the viral envelope with cell membranes, so that no infection of the cell by the virus occurs.

Due to the fact that part of the drug "Arbidol"the composition of ingredients helps to reduce the level of intoxication and the intensity of catarrhal symptoms, shortening the duration of fever and, in general, the total time of the disease, this medication is very effective for influenza. The drug is low toxic. No adverse effects of Arbidol on the body systems are known, when taken in therapeutic doses.

Drug absorption and distribution in the body

After ingestion, rapid absorption of the drug from the gastrointestinal tract occurs. After that, the distribution of drugs in all body systems.

Metabolism of the drug "Arbidol" and its elimination

The drug is metabolized by the liver.T1 / 2 is 17-20 hours. About 40% is excreted from the body in its original form, mainly as part of bile (38.9%) and in a small amount through the kidneys (0.12%). On the first day, 90% of the received dose is eliminated from the body.


Used for prevention and treatment in children and adults: influenza A and B, in addition, ARVI, incl. with complications in the form of bronchitis and pneumonia; in secondary immunodeficiency states.

In complex therapy for chronic bronchitis,pneumonia, as well as when recurrent herpes infection occurs; for the prevention of postoperative infectious complications and the normalization of the immune system in adults.

Medicine "Arbidol" - instruction

Tablets are taken orally before meals.

The drug is given for the prevention of influenza and ARVI in doses of 50 mg to 200 mg / day once a day for one and a half to two weeks.

Therapeutic dose (daily) is higher than the prophylactic dose.four times. But, at the same time, it is not the single dose that increases, but the number of medication, i.e. The same dose of the drug is given not once, but four times a day for five days. Then a single dose is given once / week. for 3-4 weeks.

The size of a single dose is determined by age.the patient - for younger children under 6 years old it is the minimum (50 mg), for children under 12 years old the dose is higher - 100 mg and for children over 12 years old and adults the maximum dose is 200 mg.

Side effects

Possible manifestation of allergic reactions.


Not allowed to apply in case of hypersensitivity; children under 3 years old

Drug Interactions

When used with other drugs, no adverse effects were noted.

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