/ Anaferon is an adult. What kind of drug?

Anaferon is an adult. What kind of drug?

The drug "Anaferon" is an adultantiviral and immunomodulating property. In the experiment and in the clinic, its effectiveness was proved in diseases caused by enteroviruses, rotaviruses, influenza and parainfluenza viruses, simple labial and genital herpes, tick-borne encephalitis, caliciviruses, coronaviruses, adenoviruses, and respiratory syncytial.

The medicine "Anaferon" provides a reductionconcentration of the pathogen in the tissues, induction of endogenous interferons alpha, beta and gamma, and also regulates the formation of cytokines, thereby stimulating recovery.

Under its influence, cellularimmune response, and also humoral. "Anaferon" adult increases the synthesis of antibodies (even secretory IgA), promotes the activation of T-killers and T-helpers, ensures their normal correlation. In addition, it causes an increase in the functional activity of phagocytes, as well as natural killers. It is also characterized by antimutagenic properties.

"Anaferon" adult is indicated for use inas the prevention and treatment of acute viral infections of the respiratory system. It is also used in the complex therapy of infections caused by the above viruses. It is used in the complex treatment of bacterial infections, as well as secondary immunodeficiency states of various origins.

Contraindicated in case of presencehypersensitivity to any component of the drug (antibodies to human interferon gamma-interferon purified, lactose, MCC, magnesium stearate). It should not be used in children and persons under the age of 18, because they specially developed the drug Anaferon for children.

Достоверных исследований о безопасности the use of this drug in pregnant women, as well as lactating women was not carried out. If the use of this drug is necessary, then it is necessary to take into account the ratio of risk and benefit.

Anaferon: dosage

Take it you need 1 tablet inside, completely rassasyvaya. Do not eat while eating.

При возникновении гриппа, нейроинфекций, кишечных infections, herpesvirus and ARVI, the "Anaferon" reception should be started as soon as possible. In the first 2 hours it must be taken every half hour, after which during the first day - 3 times at regular intervals. Then take 3 times a day for 1 tablet. During the epidemic for prevention, you can use this drug every day for 1 tablet lasting 1-3 months.

When the genital herpes Anaferon appears, the adult is prescribed through equal intervals of time according to the scheme: 1 tablet 8 times a day for the first 3 days, then 1 tablet 4 times a day for 3 weeks.

Prevention of herpesvirus infection is carried out by the appointment of 1 tablet of "Anaferon" per day. The duration of such a course can be up to six months.

Also, 1 tablet per day must be taken for the prevention and treatment of immunodeficiencies, as well as in the complex treatment of infections caused by bacteria.

If necessary, this drug can be combined with other (symptomatic and antiviral) agents.

Side effects from the use of this drug in the above dosages are not observed. Perhaps only a manifestation of hypersensitivity.

At the moment, cases of overdose are notregistered. Accidental overdose can be accompanied by dyspeptic phenomena, which are due to the components of excipients that make up the drug.

Until now, there has been no incompatibility with simultaneous use with other drugs.

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