/ / Myalgia: what is it? Causes and treatment of muscle pain

Myalgia: what is it? Causes and treatment of muscle pain

Hypertension of muscles and accompanying this conditionpain is a problem that many people of different ages face. So why does myalgia occur, what is it, and what are the symptoms of the disease? What methods of treatment exist? What is dangerous this disease? These issues are very relevant.

Myalgia: what is it?

myalgia what it is

In the translation, the very word "myalgia" means "muscularpain". A similar condition is accompanied by a strong spasm of one or at once a group of muscles, which leads to the appearance of severe pain and stiffness in the movements. To date, it is common to distinguish several forms of this disease:

  • Fibromyalgia is accompanied by hypertonia andmuscle soreness, especially when you touch the affected area of ​​the body. Muscle fibers of the waist, shoulder girdle and occiput most often suffer from this form of the disease.
  • Myositis is accompanied not just by spasm, but by inflammation of muscle tissue. This condition is extremely dangerous and requires the hospitalization of a sick person.
  • Poliomyositis is accompanied by inflammation of the muscles, and in the absence of treatment leads to their dystrophy.

If a few dozen years ago from the musclethe pain suffered mainly mature and elderly people, today the disease is significantly "younger" - with such complaints in the doctor's office often even teenagers appear.

Myalgia: what is it and why does it appear?

In fact, muscle spasm can be causedinfluence of completely different factors. There is a myalgia of rheumatic and non-rheumatic origin. For example, quite often fibromyalgia and myositis occur against the background of infection - the cause may be flu, cold. In addition, hypertension of the muscles can be associated with diseases of the spine, in particular, radiculitis, spondyloarthritis, etc.

An attack of muscle pain often occurs in the backgroundphysical overstrain, especially when it comes to a person who is not accustomed to stress and leading a sedentary lifestyle. To the risk factors also include injuries of muscle tissue (stretch, bruises), severe stress, local hypothermia.

Myalgia: what is it and what are its symptoms?

myalgia of rheumatic and non-rheumatic origin

In this case, the main features depend onform and severity of the disease. For example, fibromyalgia is accompanied by acute pain in the muscles, joints and ligaments, which are amplified by sudden movements or by pressing the affected muscle group. Along with this, there is fatigue, increased irritability, insomnia. But with myositis the symptoms are more severe - each, even the simplest movement, responds with severe pain. In some patients, along with muscle spasm, migraine attacks, nausea, and sometimes hyperthermia of the joints are observed.

Immediately it is worth noting that such a statecan be dangerous. In the absence of treatment, spasm passes into inflammation, and the inflammatory process provokes dystrophy. The complications include intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis and osteoarthrosis.

How to treat myalgia?

how to treat myalgia

To begin with, it is necessary to identify and eliminatethe cause of muscle spasm. Along with this, symptomatic treatment is also carried out, which involves the use of painkillers - Imeth, Pentalgin and Indomethacin are considered effective. Anti-inflammatory drugs are also used, in particular, "Fastum-gel", "Finalgon". A good effect gives electrophoresis with novocaine. Well relieves spasm massage. To eliminate symptoms, methods of manual therapy and therapeutic gymnastics are used.

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