/ / Monthly after laparoscopy (removal of ovarian cyst)

Monthly after laparoscopy (removal of ovarian cyst)

Laparoscopy is a new modern operativea method of research and treatment, one of the most popular medical procedures, which is aimed at examining and treating abdominal and pelvic organs.

According to statistical data, laparoscopy is most often used in gynecology for ovarian cysts, uterine myomas, endometriosis and other diseases of the internal genital organs.

monthly after laparoscopy
After laparoscopy to remove ovarian cystsa woman is in the hospital for two to three days, during which doctors watch her, conduct ultrasound. A few days after discharge from the hospital, a woman can start working again. After laparoscopy of the ovary, it is recommended to reduce physical activity and increase them gradually. After surgery, doctors prohibit lifting weights of more than three kilograms.

Pain after laparoscopy of the ovary can sometimesarise, but this is rare enough. Puncture sites, of course, bring some discomfort, but painkillers are taken in rare cases, and only on the advice of a doctor. A woman can feel minor pain in the shoulders - they arise from the gases that enter the abdominal cavity, this causes irritation of the diaphragm, which is connected by one nerve to the shoulder. These pains pass quickly.

The patient is not advised to drink alcoholic beverages. The first reason for this restriction is that antibiotics are used. The second reason: blood clotting is broken and there is a risk of bleeding.

rehabilitation after laparoscopy
Rehabilitation after laparoscopy to remove cystsovary provides for early activation of patients, a diet that excludes heavy, spicy and salty foods for several weeks after the procedure. This is necessary for normalization of the intestine. During the rehabilitation period, it is better to eat small portions, it is also necessary to monitor the condition and regularity of the stool. After surgery, you need to be protected for a month.

When the menstrual period begins after laparoscopy,associated with the removal of the ovarian cyst? It depends on many factors: the competence of the gynecologist, the quality and volume of the intervention, the age of the patient and the characteristics of her body, etc.

Analyzing the statistical data, you canto assert that in most cases the monthly ones are restored during the next postoperative month (that is, the critical days come in the due time, and the natural cycle is not violated).

There are times when the patient's immune systemgives a failure in response to the experienced stress during surgery, for this reason, menstruation after laparoscopy can sometimes begin either with a delay, or much earlier than the time. If this happened to you, do not panic (however, consult with a specialist will not hurt).

pain after laparoscopy
Doctors advise first to observethe changes that occur, determine the nature and intensity of discharge during menstruation, drink immuno-supplements and a complex of vitamins. It is important to control menstrual discharge after laparoscopy, because by their nature they determine how the body is restored after the operation.

If the monthly after laparoscopy is very abundant(more than one hygiene remedy per hour), then it can signal internal bleeding, which is very dangerous for women's health and requires an urgent visit to the gynecologist. It is dangerous, when the monthly after laparoscopy have an unpleasant smell and become brownish in color, this is a signal of the onset of an infectious inflammatory process. If a significant amount of blood clots is observed during menstruation after laparoscopy, this is also an alarm signal. Remember that during your observations you must take into account your individual characteristics. If you have any suspicions, or you feel severe pain or malaise, then it is urgent to pay a visit to the doctor.

Unfortunately, there are negative cases whenAfter surgery, menstruation does not appear for six months or more. Urgently address to the doctor-gynecologist who should appoint or nominate to you necessary inspection, and then you should pass necessary treatment for normalization of a hormonal background.

We wish strong female health, take care of it !!!

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