/ When is a genetic test done during pregnancy?

When is genetic analysis done during pregnancy?

Continuation of the clan is the main femalefunction. Each loving couple dreams of the birth of a healthy and strong baby. Unfortunately, in the modern world there are many reasons why certain complications arise. However, medicine does not stand still, and now future moms had the opportunity to learn about existing problems in the early term. And timely information, in turn, helps to eradicate the ailment and ensure the normal development of the baby. It is for this that genetic analysis is done during pregnancy. It is done only according to the doctor's prescription, if there are suspicions of pathology.

Genetic analysis during pregnancy: indications for prescribing

genetic analysis in pregnancy

It is worth listening to the advice of doctors whorecommend immediately to undergo all examinations and regularly take tests. This will help not to start the disease, but to detect it at the stage of origin. In order to protect yourself from unnecessary problems, you should plan your pregnancy and prepare your body in advance for such an uneasy period. As practice shows, to geneticists women are treated only by the appointment of a gynecologist, that is, if there are serious grounds for it. If the family of one of the family members had pathologies or chronic diseases of an acquired character, then the pregnant woman is recorded in the category of risk. When ladies of the Balzac age are decided on the birth of a baby, they are automatically registered, since in this period the risk of mutations is high. Genetic analysis during pregnancy is mandatory appointed to former drug addicts or cured alcoholics. As you know, the future mother should protect herself from any diseases, especially colds, as this can adversely affect the development of the fetus. Therefore, any infection traumatizes the body, which means that after this, you should check with a geneticist.

Genetic Analysis in Pregnancy: Methods of Conduction

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Currently, specialists offer twothe main method of carrying out such studies: either by ultrasound or by biochemical blood analysis. Ultrasound is considered to be a reliable means, however, it shows qualitative results starting from the 10th week of pregnancy, but not earlier. At an earlier time, a blood test is done, as a result of which it is also possible to draw conclusions about violations in the set of chromosomes of the fetus. If this was found, you will have to wait for 20 weeks and then make an ultrasound to confirm or deny suspicion. When to make an accurate diagnosis is not possible, resort to more aggressive methods. These include biopsy, cardocenosis or amniocentesis. The first method involves puncturing the abdominal cavity or cervix to obtain the test material. Amniocentesis involves a detailed study of the composition of amniotic fluid, it can be conducted no earlier than 15 weeks. Cardocenesis is allowed only from 18 weeks and means the analysis of umbilical cord blood. Any of the above-described invasive methods does not pose any threat to the life of the future baby.

The DNA test is an indispensable innovation

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At present, many men with disbeliefrefer to the interesting situation of her chosen one. Mad jealousy or other reasons make them doubt their own involvement in such a joyful event. To get rid of all doubts and establish the truth helps the DNA test for paternity. The price for it is quite impressive, so not everyone can afford this procedure.

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