/ / Lack of menstruation - amenorrhea

Absence of menstruation - amenorrhea

Why are there no long periods? The disease, characterized by the absence of blood from the uterus, is called amenorrhoea. It can be primary and secondary.

Первичный характер носит аменорея у молодых girls, when due to certain features of the body, menstruation does not occur. In accordance with this, the true absence of menstrual and false is recognized. False secretions of excretions are observed when the outflow of blood from the uterus becomes more difficult. For example, infection of the hymen or atresia of the vagina. Thus the uterine cycle is preserved, the hormonal background of the girl is in order.

Absence of menstruation with true amenorrhea is observed in pathological conditions associated with lesion of target organs or hormonal imbalance in the body.

Thus, the development of the primary absence of menarche can include:

- malnutrition of the mother during pregnancy

- the impact of alcohol and drugs on the fetus

hereditary predisposition

- genetic diseases in parents

premature birth

- artificial feeding of a child

- Stress in early childhood girls.

Secondary amenorrhea is formed afterestablishing a normal menstrual cycle, and is associated with the impact of external factors. The absence of menstruation can be associated with a violation of the communication between the cortex and the ovary, but it can also be caused by the direct pathology of the internal genital organs.

However, before discussing possible diseases leading to the disappearance of menstruation, it is necessary to dwell on physiological conditions accompanied by the same symptom.

If a woman complains that she does not havemonthly 4 months and more, then the first thing you need to think about is a doctor - pregnancy. Often there is a situation where a weak half of the population relies only on one negative result of a rapid pregnancy test. But after all, the chorionic gonadotropin begins to appear in the blood not on the first day of fertilization, and the sensitivity of the tests is also different. Therefore, it is first necessary to make sure that the patient is not pregnant.

The second point is long and exhausting diets, daily exercise and endless stress. All this can also cause the absence of menstruation, with the exclusion of another pathology.

Diseases that can lead to amenorrhea.

1. Abortion and aspiration vacuum.

Every woman should understand that any invasive intervention entails many consequences. A normal piercing can cause sepsis, not to mention an abortion.

More often than not, interruption of pregnancy is accompanied by a hormonal "explosion", which is why the cycle is restored for a long time, and sometimes a woman can not do without the help of hormonal preparations.

2.Inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system of a weak half of the population is one of the most frequent causes of amenorrhea. In this case, there is a lack of endometrium and the reflex regulation of the menstrual cycle is disrupted.

3. Endocrine pathological processes can provoke the absence of menstruation, and quite a long time. Until the cause of the underlying disease is eliminated, the cycle will not recover.

4.Violation of the number of sex hormones is one of the hardest forms of menstrual cycle disorders. Women note the absence of menstruation for more than three months. In this case, the cycle is never constant, there may be menstruation twice a month, and then a pause for 4-5 weeks.

В такой ситуации женщина нуждается в полном examination and clarification of the cause of hormonal disorders. The treatment consists in prescribing synthetic hormonal preparations taking into account the woman's own background.

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