/ / Medical screen: history of origin, appearance and basic functions

Medical screen: history of origin, appearance and basic functions

The medical screen is present practically in all offices of polyclinics and hospitals. About how exactly it looks and what functions it performs, we'll talk a little further.

History of origin

medical screen

Like many interior items, the original screenMedical was not created to equip the offices of hospitals and clinics. It is worth noting that this word came from the German "Schirm", which literally means "protection". Indeed, this element of the interior is a fairly small portable partition, which separates one part of the room from the other. For example, it used to be used very often as a moving wall for changing clothes. However, this object was often used also to break the space of a room into two not completely isolated parts (wardrobe in the bedroom, kitchen from the dining room, etc.).

It should be specially noted that the medical screencame to us from Japan, where such an element of the interior is popular today. By the way, in the eastern countries this partition was actively used in art. As a rule, its surface was used for drawing.

medical screen on wheels

At present, such an object can be found not only in houses, but also in the puppet theater, on the stages, etc. Today we will talk about what a medical screen is.

Main functions

A medical screen is a small temporaryA partition that separates any part of the room. In most cases, this part is a kind of observation room, a reception room, a room for physical procedures, and so on.

Appearance and design features

Usually this item is manufactured in the formfolding or fan-shaped structure, whose height is equal to or slightly less than human growth. These parameters are also followed by manufacturers of medical screens. As is known, partitions intended for polyclinics and hospitals are produced with a different number of sections, more precisely, from one to three.

The length of the represented object depends on the fact,where it will be located. For example, a three-section medical screen is most often installed in a gynecological, urological room, as well as a proctologist, etc. Also, the size of this subject is chosen based on what parameters are in a particular room. If it is small, it is more advisable to use a one- or two-section screen. If the office is spacious, then an ideal option will serve as a long partition.

three-section medical screen

By the way, such an element consists of a frame andscreen, which can be made of different materials (fabric, plastic, film, wood, aluminum, etc.). Quite common medical screen on wheels. It can be easily moved from one place to another. It should be noted that the standard dimensions of such a partition include the following values: length - 800 mm, height - 1650 mm and width - 400 mm. Its surface can be repeatedly treated with any disinfectant solution.

With proper use, the medical screen can last at least 8 years.

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