/ / Clinics of Dr. Volkov: methods of treatment

Clinics of Dr. Volkov: methods of treatment

In the modern world, the main place is occupied bymarket economy. This system is applicable to virtually all industries. No exception and the provision of medical services. Therapeutic activity is carried out on a public and private basis. And the advantage is increasingly shifting to the second. Private medical institutions located in several cities of the Russian Federation are Dr. Volkov's clinics. In these institutions, a special method of healing is used, which is not similar to the usual methods.

Dr. Volkov is an experienced dietitian,who developed his system of food intake, thanks to which all the metabolic processes of the body come back to normal. With this method, patients not only feel better, but also get rid of the diseases that have haunted them for a long time.

clinics of doctor Volkov

Clinics of Dr. Volkov: what is the meaning of the famous dietician's system?

The basis of the technique of a well-known specialist wasjudgment about the correct diet. Thus the doctor asserts, that the general scheme or plan of reception of nutrition which is applied for all, is not absolutely correct. According to the method of Volkov, each patient needs an individual selection of the diet, which is exactly what his body needs. The system, invented by a nutritionist, is based on the fact that a person tries various products, after which the effect on blood is checked. As a diagnostic criterion, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is used, which is different when eating harmful and wholesome food. The method began to be developed jointly with scientists and biologists and chemists back in the mid-1990s. And at the beginning of this century, the first clinic of Dr. Volkov was opened in Moscow.

doctor of wolves

How long does it take to correct the power?

To date, it has been proven thatdiseases have an allergic nature. And the most common irritants are food, the harmful effects of which we do not guess. In addition to the fact that the wrong diet causes allergic reactions, it adversely affects the metabolism, which contributes to the development of most pathologies. In order to identify and prevent the destructive effect, clinics of Dr. Volkov were created.

The method of cleansing and healing the body takesabout 1-1.5 years. Power correction is carried out in 4 stages. At the first, various foods are tested and blood is taken for research, after which unnecessary food is removed from the diet. As a result, there is a sharp improvement in the condition of the body and weight correction. The second stage fixes these changes, the selection of healthy food continues. Subsequent periods are necessary to ensure that the body is fully strengthened.

Information about the clinics of Dr. Volkov

clinic of doctor volkov in moscow

In 2004, the method of the famous dietician wasapproved by the Ministry of Health of Russia. Over the years, the flow of patients to institutions bearing his name has increased significantly. Currently, Dr. Volkov clinics operate in several cities of the Russian Federation. In the capital there are 2 branches of the medical institution. Addresses of clinics in Moscow: Komsomolsky Avenue, 28, Architect Vlasov Street, 6. In addition, health centers operate in St. Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod.

Dr. Volkov clinic: patient reviews

According to most visitors to the medicalinstitutions, the method of nutritionist is an effective and high-quality way to get rid of ailments, as well as from excess weight. Patients note that after adjusting the diet, the state of health improves, the metabolism is regulated. People with chronic pathologies say that disease relapses become less frequent, and for some people there is a complete cure. Among the patients of the clinic are many renowned pop and cinema actors, deputies, famous personalities. All of them were satisfied with the wellness course, which was held in a medical institution.

clinic doctor volkov reviews

Thanks to Dr. Volkov’s method,normalization of all organs and systems, complete cleansing of harmful substances. As a result of the nutrition adjustment, all processes are accelerated, the immunity is strengthened. This type of treatment is suitable for each patient, as it is based on an individual approach. Proper nutrition is the key to a slim figure and a healthy body. You can check your diet in the clinic of Dr. Volkov at any convenient time, except for a day off - Sunday.

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