/ / The main clinics of Gomel

The main clinics of Gomel

Gomel's clinics are engaged in providingmedical services to citizens of Belarus, foreigners, as well as stateless persons. Currently, this regional center of the Republic of Belarus has a fairly wide outpatient and polyclinic network, which allows to assist each of the patients who applied.

Clinics of Homel

About varieties of Gomel clinics

The second largest city of Belarus is Gomel. Clinics in such a large village, of course, a lot. Currently, there are the following types:

  • urban polyclinics to serve the adult population (more than 10);
  • city ​​polyclinics for the care of the child population;
  • women's counseling;
  • private medical centers;
  • dental clinics.

Gomel clinics

In Gomel these medical centers function under the direction of the administration of the central city polyclinic.

Services for adults

The main specialists of primary level in thoseclinics of Gomel, which are engaged in providing medical care to the adult population of the city, are district physicians. Such doctors not only advise and prescribe treatment to their patients, but also carry out active dynamic monitoring of the health status of the attached population.

In addition to medical therapists, the district clinics of Gomel have such specialists as:

  • surgeons;
  • neurologists;
  • endocrinologists;
  • cardiologists;
  • oncologists;
  • otorhinolaryngologists;
  • ophthalmologists;
  • gynecologists;
  • dermatovenereologists;
  • infectionism;
  • occupational pathologists;
  • therapists of the prevention department.

All these specialists can make an appointment. Each of these doctors is more or less involved in dispensary observation.

Women's Clinic Gomel

Services for children

Children's clinics in Gomel are functioning practicallyon the same principle as adults. The basis of their work is the provision of medical care to persons under the age of majority, as well as the dynamic monitoring of this category of citizens.

The main actors in such institutionshealth care are pediatric district doctors. The list of other specialists is almost identical to that described above for polyclinics serving the adult population.

Women's consultation

At present in Gomel most women'sconsultations are attached to city polyclinics. This is done to improve access to care for pregnant women. However, several institutions of this type are still preserved.

Provision of specialized gynecological andObstetric care is provided by a female clinic. Gomel has several institutions of this type. In addition to gynecologists, other specialists can work in this clinic. Most often it's about therapists.

Dental Clinics

These medical institutions are engaged in treatmentand prevention of diseases of the teeth and oral cavity. In Gomel, state dental clinics form a single network that provides assistance to the population on a territorial basis. Currently, the central city dental polyclinic and 5 of its branches function in this city. Here, dental feldshers, dentists, dentists, prosthetic doctors work. In such clinics, not only is the treatment of teeth. Dentures can be manufactured here. Also in such institutions, sanitation of the oral cavity and various cosmetic procedures (on a fee basis) are carried out.

Dental Clinics in Gomel

Private medical clinics

Such institutions have become widespread in the past few years. Among the most famous private clinics are the following:

  1. "Medea".
  2. "Belsono".
  3. "Elmed".
  4. "Sinlab".
  5. "Children's Doctor."
  6. Clinic of aesthetic surgery and cosmetology of Dr. Ceslav Kushelevich.
  7. Women's clinic.
  8. Alfaclinic.

Among these private medical facilities iscenters providing some specialized services or their entire complex. Naturally, the prices for services all these clinics of Gomel set different for the same services.

Advantages and disadvantages

Gomel is a city whose population has already exceeded 500,000 people. This number of people requires a serious outpatient and polyclinic network for primary health care.

Most of the city's population prefersstate clinics, since in them almost all services are provided free of charge. The main shortcomings of such institutions are long queues, especially for admission to specialists and ultrasound, as well as the fact that specialists with little practical experience often work here.

As for private medical centers,here it is necessary to pay for each type of service, but there are practically no queues in such institutions, and doctors are sitting at the reception with the first or highest qualification category.

Each clinic, regardless of whether it is private or public, has a sufficient client base and does not stand idle without work.

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