/ / The main airports of Belarus

The main airports of Belarus

Belarus has a convenient geographical location for travelers from our country. There are no problems with flights, which are responsible for a number of major aviation harbors.

The largest airports in Belarus: list

Consider the Belarusian airports that provide both international and local air service. These are aero nodes:

  • Minsk;
  • Brest;
  • Homel;
  • Grodno.

Minsk Airport

airports in belarus
Presented point of reception of international flightsis located in close proximity to the capital of Belarus. This modern, well-equipped airport is located 30 kilometers from the city center.

Other airports in Belarus do not havedeveloped infrastructure. Here, the passengers are available numerous cafes and restaurants, shops, medical stations, comfortable waiting rooms and many other amenities.

In the vicinity of the international aviation harborThere is also an old airport, which is known as Minsk-1. Not so long ago, this point had the status of the main site, that it accepted liners from all over the country. However, in view of the modest size and lack of quality technical equipment, this airport was unable to service flights from foreign countries. Currently, on the site of the old air terminal Minsk-1, it is planned to equip the residential city quarter, while retaining the existing buildings.

Airport of Brest

international airports of Belarus
Brest is one of the largest cities in the extreme western point of the state. Here there is a point of reception of aircraft.

The local terminal is outside the city fordistance of 12 kilometers. The international status of this airport was given relatively recently, after the modernization of terminals, runways and equipment, which was carried out in 1999.

Within an hour through the specified item passesabout 400 passengers. There are numerous waiting rooms, information bureaus, ATMs, currency exchangers, children's rooms, car parks, other amenities that are included in the standard set for each modern airport.

Gomel Airport

Considering the airports of Belarus, one can not avoid the air terminal, which is located in Gomel. It is located 4 kilometers from the city center.

For a long period of time presentedThe point served exclusively for the reception of agricultural aviation and local flights. Only in 1993 there was a modernization of the airport, which allowed him to gain international status.

Local infrastructure includes:

  • cafeterias, canteens, restaurants;
  • small hotels and lounges;
  • luggage storage;
  • first-aid posts;
  • car parking;
  • halls of expectations and reception of delegations.

Grodno Airport

airports in belarus list
Continuing the list, which includes internationalairports of Belarus, it is worth noting the airport terminal that is located in Grodno. This air harbor not only serves local flights, but also provides transit of liners that move between Europe and Asia.

The airport has a highly developed infrastructure,which is not inferior to the equipping of the above aviation units. Here all the services necessary to ensure the safety of flights and passenger comfort are concentrated.


So we reviewed the largest airportsBelarus. Despite the rather modest territory, this country has a number of air terminals that have international status. To get to any of them, a traveler from Moscow will have to spend no more than an hour and a half. In the end, an inexpensive flight will allow more time to visit local attractions.

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