/ / The largest airports in Uzbekistan

Largest airports in Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan is a country developing rapidlypace. The state continues to build up its undiscovered tourist potential. Therefore, it is not surprising that today Uzbekistan's airports are able to receive travelers from all over the world. The most famous air harbors of the country will be discussed in this article.


airports of uzbekistan
Samarkand is the airport that serveshomonymous city. They come here as liners, that they carry out regular flights, as well as charter aircraft. A distance of several hundred kilometers from the city does not have another airport, which is able to take planes from abroad.

Samarkand is the airport, which ranks first in theList of the largest, most developed air harbors of the country. In 2009, it was reconstructed. In accordance with modern standards, the complex of the terminal was presented, as well as aircraft hangars, commercial sites, and the buildings of the apron mechanization. Thus, the airport was able to serve more than 300,000 passengers annually.

Today in the airport building there are:

  • cafes, buffets and restaurants;
  • first-aid posts;
  • room for mother and child;
  • comfortable waiting rooms;
  • bank cells and currency exchange offices;
  • zones of distribution of free Wi-Fi;
  • post offices;
  • stores Duty Free.


Samarkand airport
The airport is 4 kilometers away fromthe city of Bukhara. The airport accepts international, domestic and charter flights. This modern aviation harbor is capable of taking about 150 passengers for an hour. Every year more than 120 thousand people pass through the destination. Among them about 15 thousand are foreign tourists.

Bukhara is an airport that has the latestwaiting rooms. There are enough reference and information centers for fast service of each passenger. On the territory of the terminal there are modern buffets, cafes, restaurants, currency exchange points, medical offices. The interior is made using the solutions typical of the traditional Uzbek style.


buhara airport
Observing the airports of Uzbekistan, it is impossible not tomention the air harbor of Tashkent. From here the most numerous international flights depart. Provides airport and domestic air service.

Tashkent is an eastern airfieldsending cargo to all corners of the world. Promotes this favorable location of the airport. After all, he is at the intersection of the largest air routes that lie between the West European countries and Asia. It is no accident that the leading carriers choose the airport of Tashkent as a place for embarking liners in the course of prolonged flights between remote corners of the world.

The main advantage of an air harbor isthe widest technical possibilities. Several large runways run simultaneously here, which are suitable for receiving absolutely all types of aircraft.


Tashkent East airfield
Observing the largest airports in Uzbekistan,at last I would like to note the air harbor, located 6 kilometers from the city of Andijan. Here the planes are landing, which follow the international and domestic directions. Is able to take the airport and charter flights.

In the region where the air harbor is located,there is a rapid economic growth, as well as an unprecedented development of the tourism industry. All this calls for the need for an item that is able to provide international communication and meet the requirements for air cargo transportation. With these and other tasks, the Andijan airport successfully manages today, through which about 250 people pass every hour.

For the convenience of passenger service, here are:

  • modernized waiting rooms;
  • room for mother and child;
  • bank branches;
  • medical centers;
  • bars, cafes, restaurants;
  • capacious cargo warehouses;
  • services that monitor security.


In the presented material we consideredlargest airports in Uzbekistan. It is in these aviation harbors that the bulk of passengers arriving in the country for tourism purpose are sent. Moreover, the presented terminals are the key points that ensure the transportation of goods between the countries of Europe and Asia.

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