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I wonder how to increase hemoglobin?

than to increase hemoglobin

Almost every person in life has ever encounteredwith the notion of "low hemoglobin". This term means anemia, or anemia, that is, a low content of hemoglobin protein, which is responsible for the transfer of oxygen to the tissues of the body. This protein is found in red blood cells. Its normal amount in the body of an adult should be from 120 to 160 g / l. If the amount of hemoglobin falls, then we are talking about iron deficiency anemia, which is characterized by such symptoms as fatigue, dizziness, dry skin, pallor. Hence, your organs do not get enough oxygen for normal functioning, and you should urgently tackle this problem and understand how to increase hemoglobin.

Of course, the simplest, it's the most radicalmethod, - medical. It is used most often after operations, long-term illnesses and other debilitating situations. The doctor selects, than to raise a hemoglobin, and puts a dropper with the necessary iron-containing preparation. With moderate anemia, this method is not required, because it is very easy to exceed the dose and get excess iron in the body, which is even worse than its lack.

How to increase hemoglobin in such cases?It is best to resort to sparing funds, that is, to food. First of all, this, of course, meat. In order to get rid of anemia, consume more red meat - beef and veal. These varieties are the most rich in iron, which is easily digested. In addition, hemoglobin is a good animal liver. Therefore, it is also necessary to introduce it into your diet. But the fish, despite the large amount of this element, will not help - the iron contained in fish products is poorly absorbed by the body.

Another food product that helps to improveHemoglobin is, of course, honey. The fructose in it contributes to this. Particularly useful honey is dark color, that is buckwheat, forest. And if you want to know how to increase hemoglobin to pregnant women, because during this period of life the load on the body grows, then remember that the most faithful assistant in this is a grenade. This fruit is considered the leader in iron content, and its juice (just one glass) helps to fill the daily rate of this element.

how to increase hemoglobin in pregnant women
Еще чем повышать гемоглобин?Indispensable on the battlefield with anemia are cereals and legumes. The most common buckwheat porridge is a universal remedy. No less benefit is brought by chickpeas, beans and lentils. And do not forget that for better digestibility of iron, all these foods should be eaten with vegetables. Drygrouts are very useful for increasing hemoglobin. Also eat one apple a day. It is rich in iron and promotes its speedy absorption by the body. It's not for nothing that the English have a proverb that says "an apple a day keep a doctor away" - that is, eat an apple a day, and do not have to go to the doctor.

increases hemoglobin
And the last tip: prepare food in cast-iron dishes.Scientists have proved that cooking food in metal containers is able not only to keep the level of iron in products, but also to increase it several times.

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