/ / Low hemoglobin - a symptom of a dangerous disease?

Low hemoglobin is a symptom of a dangerous disease?

Hemoglobin below the norm is a rathercommon. And the shortage of goods has long been in the past, and the range of fresh quality products of agricultural enterprises and farms in the markets, in supermarkets is more than diverse. But this does not solve the problem. Many people (children and adults, women and men) have to go to doctors and nutritionists. To recognize low hemoglobin, a symptom will have to be tracked not by one, listening carefully to any changes in your body.

that is at low hemoglobin

Lack of enough iron(microelement) lies at the basis of the fact that the blood level of hemoglobin falls below the norm. The daily minimum for human consumption is 1.5 mg of iron. Such a quantity of this trace element will not allow to lower hemoglobin of blood.

How to recognize the problem?

As indicated by such a phenomenon as lowhemoglobin? This symptom may appear, for example, after a blood transfusion, a lot of blood loss. To avoid problems caused by a lack of iron in the diet, you need to monitor the variety of the daily menu. It is extremely undesirable to exclude some products from use on its own. Before you start to stick to any diet, you should consult a doctor or a nutritionist. Only a specialist can make a diet so that the diet contains all the important microelements and vitamins.

A significant role in the human body is allocatedfolic acid. It is often prescribed in conjunction with other vitamins for women during pregnancy, since during this period, a decrease in hemoglobin is observed.

With this iron deficiencythe protein immune system starts to malfunction, the person is haunted by malaise. When malnutrition or other causes lead to the fact that the tests detect a low hemoglobin in the blood, a symptom that makes it easy to suspect this disorder in the body is pale, dry, flaky skin. In addition, lips turn blue, nails become brittle, thinning hair.

Low hemoglobin in children

low hemoglobin symptom

To reduce hemoglobin should be taken seriously,you can not let things go by themselves. If the situation is triggered, irreversible changes in the body may occur with time. Lack of hemoglobin is the cause of the development of anemia (in another way this malady is called anemia).

In young children, it is not easy to see the symptomslack of iron, you need to closely monitor their mood and well-being. Children should regularly gain weight - this is provided by nature. Weak appetite, poor sleep, increased excitability and fatigue are all grounds for anxiety. As soon as possible, take tests and consult a doctor.

A nursing woman should know what is availablelow hemoglobin. In its daily menu must include meat and liver, buckwheat porridge and vegetables, berries and fruits, spinach and parsley. In small quantities, even garnet is allowed, since only a few grains a day are able to maintain a sufficient level of hemoglobin in the blood. The main thing - do not provoke allergic reactions in the child. If the doctor has detected a low hemoglobin in the infant, the symptom indicates an incorrect diet of the mother.

All the above products should be in the menuchildren of preschool age. It is necessary to teach the child to eat a liver (beef, chicken, cod liver), eat fruits, berries, fresh vegetables every day. In natural compotes contains many useful components and substances, including those that contribute to the normalization of hemoglobin.

Recommendations for adults

hemoglobin below normal

Diversity in nutrition is necessary for adults. Interestingly, a variety of physical activities also contribute to an increase in hemoglobin.

It may be that low ironsignals about other diseases of our body. For example, the increase in the number of red blood cells with a thickening of the blood (this is a dangerous and serious disease) or about intestinal patency. Also, the decrease in iron is observed after burns.

In matters of health, there are no particulars that do not deserve attention. In the presence of symptoms that indicate a decrease in hemoglobin, the examination is recommended for adults and children alike.

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