/ / "Ranitidine": instructions for use

Ranitidine: instructions for use

As a rule, the drug "Ranitidine" is available inform of tablets, covered with food envelope, weighing 150 or 300 milligrams. The active ingredient, ranitidine, is present in the preparation as a hydrochloride.

Pharmacological properties of the drug "Ranitidine",The instruction describes as follows. The drug acts as an active inhibitory agent against H2 receptors in the cells of the digestive tract. It is able to reduce the secretion of hydrochloric acid, which arises from the action of baroreceptors, as well as food overload, increased hormonal activity and the action of such biogenic stimulants, such as gastrin and histamine.

Ranitidine hydrochloride has the abilityreduce the amount of gastric juice, and also reduce the concentration of hydrochloric acid in it. The drug has the ability to raise the pH level in the stomach, and this, in turn, helps to reduce pepsin. If you take the drug in the recommended and therapeutically justified doses, ranitidine hydrochloride does not affect the prolactin content. It is also capable of inhibiting microsomal enzymes, and the duration of action of the active substance is 12 hours after one administration of the recommended dose.

The drug "Ranitidine", the instruction recommends the use in case of the following diseases:

- for the treatment of stomach ulcers and its prevention;

- Ulcers of the duodenum;

- Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.

The drug is effective in the treatment of symptomatic and stress ulcers, used in combination for prevention and recovery in the postoperative period.

When using the drug "ranitidine", instructionwarns of possible contraindications. For example, it states that the drug should not be used during pregnancy, for the treatment of children under 14 years of age, and also when the patient has a hypersensitivity to ranitidine hydrochloride.

With care, it is necessary to apply the drug in the presence of a patient with renal or hepatic insufficiency.

The instruction recommends taking tablets "Ranitidine" without chewing, regardless of the time of eating.

Dosage and duration of the drugare determined by the nature and severity of the disease. Thus, when peptic ulcer or stomach ulcer is aggravated, both adults and children over the age of fourteen years are recommended to prescribe either 150 milligrams (two meals a day), or 300 milligrams per night at one time. On the recommendation of a doctor, the dose may increase and amount to 450 mg. For preventive purposes, for these diseases, the drug is used 150 mg once, at bedtime.

In the treatment of Zollinger-Ellison syndrome,the drug is prescribed three times a day in the initial stage of treatment (150 mg each), and then the daily dose can be brought up to 600-900 mg, depending on the patient's condition.

For the healing of ulcers, the drug is used twice a day for 150 mg, this provides healing in about a month.

When using a medicinal product underthe name "Ranitidine", the instruction stipulates the possibility of side effects, but they are very rare. Patients may experience headaches, a feeling of fatigue, and a rash on the skin. Cases of hair loss are very rare.

Particular care should be given to patients taking the drug, and who have dysfunctional disorders of the liver or kidneys.

If, nevertheless, side effects begin to occur during the administration of the medication - the appointment is canceled, and this should be done gradually by lowering the dosage.

The effectiveness of the drug with its preventive use is higher in spring and autumn.

The drug "Ranitidin" is included in the list of vital, which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, so its implementation in the pharmacy network at special, lower prices.

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