/ What can the pains in the lower abdomen indicate?

What can the pains in the lower abdomen indicate?

Боли внизу живота — довольно распространенный Symptom, which is very important for diagnosis of the disease. Such pain can manifest itself for various reasons and testify to the mass of various diseases.


If you have a stomach ache on the right and pain graduallymoves to the navel area, it is most likely a sign of appendicitis. To begin with, you can try to diagnose an inflammation of the appendix yourself - in the event that the pains in the lower abdomen last longer than 12 hours, and while you can accurately indicate the place of pain, then you urgently need to see a surgeon. In addition, appendicitis, as a rule, is accompanied by vomiting and nausea. Most likely, the doctor will prescribe an operation to remove the intestinal process.

Problems with the urinary system

Pain in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar region and in the sidequite often are a symptom of a malfunction of the urinary system. It can be inflammation of the bladder (cystitis), renal colic, excretion of stones through the ureters, etc. It is worth noting that with the diseases of the excretory system, the pain is sharp, accompanied by an increase in temperature. There are also a number of characteristic symptoms. For example, pain when urinating, increasing pain as the volume of the bladder increases. If you have these symptoms, then pay attention to the color of urine. If it is dark, with a brownish tinge or traces of blood visible in it, you should immediately consult a therapist. The final diagnosis will help to deliver the result of urine analysis, in which are found red blood cells, salts, proteins and leukocytes.

Menstrual cycle

The pains in the lower abdomen are associated with the menstrual cycle.For example, the pulling pains in the lower abdomen of the pulling character may indicate the approach of the monthly. If the pain is too strong, then you can take some kind of analgesic. Sometimes pain also occurs during ovulation, when the egg is released from the follicle. If the pain is accompanied by uncharacteristic discharge or heavy bleeding, it is better to make an appointment with a gynecologist.

Ectopic pregnancy

Если у вас появились острые и интенсивные боли in the lower abdomen on the left or on the opposite side, and menstruation was delayed, then you should think about the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy. Sometimes a fertilized egg does not descend into the uterus, but remains in the cavity of the fallopian tube. Naturally, the fetus can not develop this way, but the egg grows in size, and the tube bursts with time. If you have even the slightest suspicion, then you should definitely consult a gynecologist.

Diseases of the genitals

Abdominal pain may be the result ofa variety of diseases of organs located in the small pelvis. It is worth remembering that acute and infectious diseases in addition to pain, are also accompanied by fever, uncharacteristic secretion from the genitals and problems with urination. In any case, medical examination will not be superfluous.

Diseases of the digestive system

Pain in the lower abdomen may be a signdiseases or infections of the digestive system. In addition to appendicitis, they include intestinal obstruction, accumulation of gases, infectious diseases, inflammatory processes, dysbiosis. In most cases, diseases of the digestive system are accompanied by other characteristic symptoms - constant nausea, severe vomiting, diarrhea, excessive secretion of gases, constipation. In this case, you should always seek the advice of a specialist (therapist or gastroenterologist), do feces analysis and other necessary studies.

In fact, abdominal pain can occurabsolutely different reasons. And if the pain syndrome continues for a sufficiently long time or periodically repeats, you should always seek help. Self-medication or ignoring this symptom is fraught with very dangerous consequences for health.

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