/ / Pain in the sides in the abdomen: possible causes

Pain in the sides of the abdomen: possible causes

Pain in the sides in the abdomen is often localized inany particular site. Conditionally, the front lower part of the trunk can be divided into four quadrants. To any soreness that appears in the abdomen, one should be treated with special responsibility, since several organs are located in its cavity. In particular, there is a stomach, gall bladder, spleen, liver and others.

Pain in the lower abdomen along the sides

Such a condition can arise on the basis of inflammatory processes in the lower parts of the intestine.

pain in the lower abdomen along the sides
In this case, there are other symptoms.For example, a disorder of the stool, flatulence. To ease the condition, it is recommended to limit the use of spicy and spicy seasonings, fruits and vegetables, black bread, milk for a while. In case the pain in the sides in the abdomen does not go away after following a diet, you should visit a doctor. Probably, the expert after the examination will appoint any drugs. At the woman soreness in the bottom of a stomach from the left side can testify about a pathology of a genitourinary tract. Sometimes the condition is complicated by vomiting and fever. If, however, the pain in the sides in the abdomen is quite intense on both sides, this may indicate a torsion in the leg of the ovarian cyst. In this case the operation will help, in this connection it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance. Sharp pain in the sides in the abdomen closer to the groin area occurs with inflammation of the appendages. This also increases the temperature.
abdominal pain
When you feel the area, the woman alsoexperiencing severe pain. It is advisable to call an ambulance, but if the patient is able to move independently, then you should go to the doctor. This is recommended as soon as possible. Pain in the sides and abdomen (in its lower part) may be a consequence of an ectopic pregnancy. Symptoms on both sides are rare in this case. Pain with this condition over time increases and can acquire a cramping character. In this case, you should call an ambulance and provide a woman peace of mind before the arrival of a doctor.

Pain on the right

In the abdomen at the top of this side is the partintestines, liver, gall bladder, a portion of the diaphragm. Diseases or injuries of these organs can cause a pathological condition. If the pain is localized in the hypochondrium, then perhaps it is inflammation in the liver. To exclude hepatitis, you should visit a doctor. This is especially important when the pain is systematic. The pathological condition can be a consequence of gallbladder disease. With a rare manifestation of soreness, you should pay attention to the diet, reduce or eliminate fatty and spicy food. Discomfort may appear due to the development of pancreatitis. As a rule, this pathology is typical for people suffering from gall bladder disease. With regular manifestation of symptoms, it is recommended to do ultrasound, to take tests.

abdominal pain
Pancreatitis is a disease requiringtimely diagnosis and treatment. In a number of cases, pain occurs with kidney pathologies. In particular, the cause of the condition can be inflammation, abscess, sand or stones.

Lower right pain

In this part of the abdominal cavity is located the intestine,appendix, ureter. Women in this area also undergo fallopian tubes. First of all, when a pathological condition occurs, appendicitis should be excluded. This disease is characterized by the localization of symptoms near the navel. If intensity persists for 12 hours, the doctor should be called immediately.

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