/ / What are the signs of colic in the abdomen?

What are the signs of colic in the abdomen?

Все знают, насколько неприятными могут быть боли in the stomach, sometimes you want to get rid of them by any means. Meanwhile, the diagnosis of abdominal pain is considered one of the most difficult and important tasks in medicine. If the situation is urgent and the patient can not be examined according to all the rules, the experience and tactics of the doctor are of particular importance, since severe abdominal pain is not always the basis for surgical treatment, while mild pain can sometimes threaten the patient's life. In any case, acute pain or colic in the lower abdomen is always an indication for an immediate examination.

What is the pain in the abdomen?

The classic case of abdominal pain islocalization of pain in the area of ​​the affected organ. Thus, with peptic ulcer of stomach, duodenal ulcer or disease of the esophagus, the pain is projected in the area of ​​the stomach. However, such a symptomatology can be with myocardial infarction, pyelonephritis, pneumonia. Sometimes under the mask of abdominal pain, depression, anemia, thyroid disease and urinary tract infection can hide. Similar phenomena can occur after taking antibiotics, drugs, alcohol, iron and some hormones. That's why the doctor is in no hurry to make a diagnosis of pain alone, only to have the patient undergo at least a minimal examination.

What do colic in the abdomen mean?

In medical practice, periodicallydiagnose cramping attacks of pain, which then grow, then subsiding. Sometimes, at the very peak of such pain, patients rush about and do not know where to put themselves. Such pains are denoted by the term "colic in the abdomen". Often they are the result of inaccuracies in the diet, and can also be caused by shaking and muscle overstrain. Sometimes colic in the abdomen can be a consequence of dyskinesia biliary tract or cholelithiasis, as well as the breakthrough of parasitic cysts, liver abscesses or helminthic invasions. If such phenomena often manifest themselves, then the patient will need consultation with a gastroenterologist. Intestinal colic can become a manifestation of acute processes in the intestine, such as obstruction, irritable bowel syndrome and other diseases.

Colic in the abdomen of infants

Pain in the abdomen of infants is not so rarephenomenon, they often begin to manifest themselves from an early age. Doctors disagree about what causes colic in babies. Some say that this is a consequence of too abundant feeding, which overstrains the stomach, others authoritatively state that the reason for the lack of enzymes in the child's body, the third accuse of all problems the immaturity of the nervous system of the baby. If the baby has colic in the abdomen, then, if possible, you need to show it to the pediatrician, and in order to calm the child, you can put a warm water bottle on his tummy.

What are the signs of colic in the abdomen during pregnancy?

Pain in the abdomen is always very concerned about expectant mothers,they often wonder: "But will not such phenomena harm a future baby?" The cause of pain in the abdomen may be an increased tone of the uterus, associated with hormonal changes in the body. If such phenomena are short-lived and do not bring unpleasant sensations to a woman, then you should not worry. Sometimes in this way preliminary fights can manifest themselves, so the uterus prepares itself for the forthcoming birth. This is considered normal and does not require any third-party intervention. If the colic in the abdomen is repeated, accompanied by bloody discharge and cause the woman a great discomfort, then the cause lies in some pathology, and without consulting a specialist here is indispensable.

We have not considered all the reasons for the appearancepain and colic in the abdomen. The causes of such phenomena can be very diverse. In order to avoid serious problems, you need to listen carefully to your body and, if possible, at the first unpleasant symptoms seek advice from a specialist.

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