Gastralgia - what is it? Not all patients know the answer to this question. Although most of them have experienced this phenomenon on their own.
Gastralgia - what is this disease? This medical term denotes pain in the pelvis and abdomen.
Gastralgia in Latin sounds like gastralgia. This word consists of two syllables, which are literally translated as "stomach" (gaster) and "pain" (algos).
Such an unpleasant feeling can be associated with possible or actual damage to internal tissues.
Gastralgia - what is this pain in the abdomen?Such feelings often arise due to the excitation of receptors of damaged tissues. In medical practice, it is customary to single out 2 groups of receptors:
Thus, there are 3 types of abdominal pain: somatic, visceral and reflected.
How is this gastralgia manifested? Symptoms of somatic pain are very intense. In this case, the patient can clearly define its location.
As is known, practically all parietal peritoneum, and also a mesentery are supplied with somatic receptors. In addition, they are present in the ureters and bile ducts.
Such unpleasant sensations arise in the most affected organ. Usually they are painful and accompanied by increased sweating.
How else is visceral gastralgia manifested? Dyspepsia in the form of nausea and vomiting - these are the characteristic signs of this condition. Also, the patient can suddenly paleness skin.
This type of pain can be localized in epigastrium, over the pubic symphysis and in the peripodal region.
Such discomfort is pronounced.Usually it is observed with intense stimulation of the affected organ. Reflex pain can occur with diseases of the meninges, the brain and many internal organs.
Now you know what the term "gastralgia" stands for. What is it, we described above.
Specialists distinguish 2 main reasons for which there are pains in the abdomen:
The first (for example, bloating of the bile ducts,small and large intestines, ureters, bladder, uterus, fallopian tubes) often leads to spasmodic and intermittent pain. It is localized blurry and is usually noted by patients on the midline of the abdomen.
Distension of the digestive tract (anterior part) is observed in the epigastric region.
As for the irritation of the peritoneal peritoneum, it usually arises as a result of its stretching or movement, which subsequently leads to acute pain.
Pain in the abdomen happens:
The first is due to acute surgicalpathology, infectious disease or trauma. As a rule, its time frame is limited to three months. Longer unpleasant sensations are called chronic.
In the event that the pain is repeated at least threeonce within three months, it is considered to be recurrent. In most cases, it is caused by chronic diseases of the digestive tract, as well as their functional disorders.
The group of diseases that manifest acute pain in the abdomen include the following:
With regard to recurrent pain in the abdomen, they can manifest themselves:
Success in the treatment of all listed diseases, which are manifested by unpleasant sensations in the abdomen, depends entirely on the correctness, as well as the timeliness of the diagnosis.
With epigastric pain should be immediatelyto address to the narrow expert - to the gastroenterologist. After a personal examination, the doctor must refer the patient to the delivery of general laboratory tests of urine and blood. Also, in order to establish a correct diagnosis, the patient should undergo ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and fibroadastroduodenoscopy.
Only a complete examination of the patient will allowa doctor to diagnose an existing disease. Most often, conservative methods are used to treat gastralgia. The patient is prescribed a number of drugs that contribute not only to the treatment of the disease, but also instantly eliminate all unpleasant sensations in the abdomen.