/ / Essentiale Forte: reviews and applications

The drug Essentiale forte: reviews and applications

The international name of the well-knownhepatoprotective agent - "Phospholipides" (or Phospholipids), and the official name, popular in commercial networks - "Essentiale Forte N." However, in the people it is called simply the drug Essentiale Forte. Reviews about this drug are mostly positive, which gave rise to its popularity and popularity. However, do not take such a strong drug whenever your liver gets sick. This drug has its clear purpose, and the course of treatment should always be prescribed by a doctor. Despite the fact that the drug contains a number of vitamins, it can not be regarded as a preventive and general health product. And even if the instruction for use indicates that the medicine "Essentiale Forte" is exactly what you need in your case, an individual treatment course should still be appointed by a specialist after a comprehensive examination.

The drug is available in two dosage forms:capsules and as a solution for injection. There are a number of diseases in which the administration of the drug Essentiale Fort is prescribed. The reviews of people taking this medication testify that it effectively helps with toxic and alcoholic hepatitis, acute and chronic hepatitis, fatty liver disease, which happens of various origins (including diabetes), liver cirrhosis, gestosis, hepatic coma and other violations of normal liver function in somatic diseases. Also on the action of the drug Essential forte, user reviews give us very interesting information that it helps to cope with such not completely "hepatic" diseases as psoriasis, drug intoxication and radiation sickness. However, it should be remembered that for the best result the drug is taken only in conjunction with other medicines.

What is the secret of such a comprehensive effectiveness?in the treatment of various diseases of the drug Essentiale Forte N? The experts' comments indicate that essential phospholipids, which are the basic composition of the drug, regulate the exchange of sugars and fats, help the liver perform its function, inhibit the formation of connective tissue in this organ and promote the restoration of hepatocytes. Also, doctors appreciated the drug for the fact that there are almost no contraindications to its use. It can not be taken only by infants and people with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. The action of the medicine "Essentseale Forte" is also strengthened by the B vitamins (primarily Bl and B2, B6, and B12), PP and E, which exert a general strengthening effect on the body.

With regard to the side effects of the drug"Essentiale", user reviews mention those rare. Sometimes there is a short-term disturbance of the digestive process, gastralgia, nausea or vomiting, allergic reactions in the form of a rash. But the drug is not contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

The glory of the medicinal product "Essential Forte"(especially in the form of capsules) as a harmless vitamin substance made the drug popular among the people. It is taken as for serious liver diseases (for example, with viral hepatitis), and as a prophylaxis (to support the liver with frequent use of alcohol or in case of problems of lipid metabolism). This drug is taken with psoriasis, even there are enthusiastic responses about the effectiveness of the drug "Essential Forte" in the fight against vitiligo - depigmented spots after the systematic adoption of the drug darkened and "dragged on". But in isolated cases, users report an itch, redness of the skin and allergic reactions, which are expressed in nausea or vomiting. The main problem of the drug "Essentiale Forte" reviews is the presence of a huge amount of falsification of this remedy in our market.

Take capsules "Essentiale forte" several times a day for food, washing down with water in small amounts. The solution for injections is administered intravenously (struyno, but better drip).

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