/ / "Zephasel": instructions for use, description and reviews

"Zephasel": instructions for use, description and reviews

Medicinal product "Zephasel" instruction onapplication refers to vitamin complexes. Often consumers designate it themselves. But this is not entirely correct. Despite the absence of negative reactions, before using the drug, you need to consult a doctor. The article will tell you what the instructions for use refer to the "Zephasel" medication. Photo tablets and reviews about them will be brought to your attention.

preparation cephasel instructions for use

Description and characteristics: composition of the preparation and its cost

What can inform the consumer about the drug"Zephasel" instructions for use? The abstract states that the drug is produced in tablets. One capsule may contain 50, 100, 200 or 300 μg of selenium in the form of an amino acid. Also there are additional ingredients in the tablets: magnesium stearate, lactose, povidone and mannitol.

In each pack of the drug there are two blisters10 tablets each. The package contains the trade name "Zephasel". Instructions for use are enclosed for each pack. The cost of the medicine is about 200 hryvnia. In the Russian Federation, tablets can be purchased at a price of 500 rubles.

cephasel instructions for use review

Purpose: what helps Zephasel?

The annotation states that the tablets are replenishedlack of selenium in humans. In the composition of the drug, the active substance is in the proper form, which is best absorbed in the body. Tablets "Zephasel" instructions for use advise to use in the following cases:

  • malnutrition or prolonged debilitating diets;
  • oncological diseases, accompanied by the use of chemotherapy and radiation;
  • Respiratory diseases and decreased immune defense;
  • Cardiovascular pathologies and disruptions in the digestive tract;
  • thyroid disease;
  • increased physical and mental loads;
  • stress, bad habits;
  • severe fatigue and sleep disturbance;
  • laboratory-confirmed deficiency of selenium in the human body;
  • increased need for selenium (during pregnancy, lactation, during a period of intensive growth).

Often the drug is prescribed in combination with other vitamin complexes and medicines. Usually they go well together.

Limitations and adverse reactions

The preparation "Zephasel" instruction for use is notadvises to use with hypersensitivity to its components. In this case, not only the main active substance, but also additional components are taken into account.

The agent is usually well tolerated by consumersand does not cause side effects. But with an overdose of tablets, the following symptoms appear: abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, untidy smell from the mouth. With prolonged use of large doses, the composition worsens the growth of nails and hair. Treatment of side effects is the use of sorbents and gastric lavage.

cephasel instruction for photo

Zephasel: instructions for use

The drug is taken internally without priorgrinding. It is preferable to use capsules during or after a meal. Wash the tablets with clean water. The medication is selected in an individual dosage, depending on the indications. The initial portion is set at 100 μg of selenium for an adult. If necessary, for a short period of time it is allowed to increase the dose three times. However, after normalization of the level of the substance in the blood, it is necessary to return to the initial figures. The duration of use of the drug depends on the patient's condition. Usually one month of treatment is enough.

cephasel tablets instructions for use

Reviews about tablets

You already know the basic information thatinforms the consumer about the "Cephasel" tablets instructions for use. The description of the drug, its photos are for you in the article. But many users of this data is not enough. Patients want to know what kind of feedback the pills have. Consider what consumers say about this tool.

The first thing patients report is the costpreparation. The price of the medicine, according to some consumers, is quite high. However, most likely, you will not be able to find a similar tool with the content of selenium at a low price. Patients say that the drug is convenient to take. After all, you can immediately use a daily dose and not divide it into several parts. In this case, the patient should pay attention to the dosage of the medication. The drug "Zephasel" does not require special storage conditions. Therefore, you can always take it with you.

After taking the medication, it is rapidly absorbed into theblood flow and is well absorbed. As part of the drug, selenium is contained in the form of an amino acid. It is in this form that the micronutrient enters the body with food. Therefore, the use of the medicinal product corresponds to the maximum natural conditions of consumption of selenium.

Patients say that selenium is necessaryman for all metabolic processes. Amino acids are needed for proper digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Medication, when properly used, helps to increase the body's immune defenses. As a result, the patient can get rid of this or that disease faster and with minimal costs. Patients with cancer often take the drug "Zephasel" courses. In this case, doctors advise to regularly monitor the level of selenium in the blood. With the normalization of values, further treatment is impractical. Therefore, the patient takes a break, after which, if necessary, repeats the course of "Cephasel" tablets.

cephasel instructions for use

A small conclusion

From the article you learned about the medicine "Zephasel".Instructions for use, reviews are presented to your attention. Despite the positive qualities, tablets can cause side effects. Therefore, before using them, you should always consult a doctor and take tests to determine the level of selenium. Only after receiving the results the doctor can recommend taking these tablets. Follow the doctor's advice and follow the instructions. I wish you success!

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