/ / Bloody discharge in women

Bloody discharge in women

Monthly, from 11-15 years and ending45-50 years, in the female body there are phase changes that manifest menstruation - the flow of blood from the genital tract. Normally, excretions last for 3-7 days and occur with an interval of 21-35 days. All the blood loss is approximately 80 ml. Changes in the body that begin with the arrival of menstruation, called the menstrual cycle. If a woman is pregnant or breastfeeding, menstruation does not occur.

There are times when the menstrual cycleis violated. Menstruation becomes irregular, painful, plentiful or meager. Bloody discharge may appear before menstruation, after them, and also in the middle of the cycle. To determine the cause of such violations, you need to contact a gynecologist and an endocrinologist who will analyze the situation and, if necessary, prescribe a treatment.

The main causes of bloody discharge

As a rule, blood discharge appears in such diseases and conditions:

  • with myoma submucosal layer of the uterus

Menses are plentiful, protracted, accompanied by cramping pains in the loin and above the pubis.

  • with endometrial hyperplasia and polyps

There are abundant, sometimes painful with clots. Usually there are such bloody discharge in the middle of the cycle, and untimely.

  • with endometriosis

На протяжении нескольких дней до менструации или after it there are smearing spotting from the vagina. The presence of this disease is most often indicated by painful menstruation accompanied by the release of blood clots.

  • with ovulatory syndrome

Pain in the lower abdomen and spotting blood extracts appear in the middle of the cycle, when the ovulation phase comes.

  • with trauma of genital organs

There is a rupture of the vagina and posterior adhesion, whichcauses the appearance of bloody discharge. An example of such a trauma may be violent or persistent defloration. Sometimes the treatment requires the help of a surgeon.

  • with dysfunctional uterine bleeding

Menstruation occurs after a long delay andcharacterized by abundant painless discharge, which can be bleeding. At the same time, due to blood loss and subsequent anemia, the woman's health worsens.

  • when the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle is inadequate

For several days before menstruationthere are bloody discharge of dark red color. The reason for this is the inadequate production of hormones by the inferiorly formed yellow body of the ovaries. This situation can be repeated on a regular basis, or it may be an isolated case.

  • with cervical and endometrial cancer

Vaginal discharge is not associated with the phases of the menstrual cycle and can be of different intensity.

  • with cervical ectopy

Bloody discharge appears after sexual contact, after gynecological examination using mirrors and with constipation.

  • with endometrium

Menstruation is usually protracted, accompanied by bloody discharge between menstrual cycles.

Bloody discharge during pregnancy

Normal pregnancy. Discharges of this kind usually arise whenthe yellow body of the ovaries produces insufficient progesterone, the main pregnancy hormone. Excretions are combined with pain in the lumbar region and in the lower abdomen of a cramping or pulling character. This situation indicates a threat of termination of pregnancy and in the absence of treatment can lead to spontaneous miscarriage. Bloody discharge from the uterus can also occur with placental abruption.

Ectopic pregnancy. One of the signs of ectopic pregnancy may be persistent bloody discharge from the genital organs.

Diagnosis of these conditions is based on the results of an examination by a doctor - a gynecologist, ultrasound and a blood test for gonadotropin chorionic.

To any changes in the body duringpregnancy should be treated very carefully, especially when it comes to vaginal discharge. In the case of any unusual secretions, it is necessary, without raising panic, to turn to a gynecologist, and conduct an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs.

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