/ / As evidenced by bloody discharge after menstruation

As evidenced by spotting after menstruation

Some women notice bleedingdischarge after menstruation, but often do not rush to go to the gynecologist, letting the situation drift. But this phenomenon in most cases indicates any violations in the female body and requires immediate treatment.

Normally, the microflora of the vagina impliestransparent excretions without impurities of blood and odor, which do not cause irritating effect and discomfort. The amount of these precipitates depends on the phase of the cycle. Virtually all women have mucosal discharge after menstruation in a small amount.

By the middle of the cycle, there are more of them, but thisis a norm and should not cause concern. Two, three days before the onset of menstruation, these discharges turn white, become viscous and plentiful, and can also produce an acidic odor. About 150 ml of blood is released during menstruation. This liquid should not have an unpleasant odor and subsequent discharge.

In the last days of monthly blood, less is released,its coagulability rises, and therefore the secretions can be brown, but without a sharp odor. If black blood clots with a rather unpleasant or rotten "aroma" appear, it is necessary to pass tests for STDs: gardnerellez, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, cytomegalovirus, mycoplasmosis, herpes.

Bloody discharge after menstruation may appear with ectopic pregnancy. Therefore, it is better to make a pregnancy test immediately if they appear to exclude such a problem.

The norm can be considered a brown smear in the firsttwo months after taking contraceptives on the basis of hormonal drugs. But after two months, everything usually passes. If the discharge continues, then the drug does not suit you.

Bloody discharge after menstruation: possible causes

If there were spotting after menstruation, there may be several reasons for this:

- Endometrial overgrowth of the uterine mucosa(hyperplasia). In this disease, the patient has abundant discharge with blood clots, they appear in the intervals between the cycles. But menstruation itself, as a rule, is painless;

- endometritis and endometriosis. In endometriosis (inflammation of the uterus), a woman is troubled by painful and profuse periods. Even after their termination the blood continues to go for about a week;

- hard sexual intercourse, gross defloration arethe cause of severe ruptures of the vagina and posterior adhesion. In such traumas, heavy bleeding is not ruled out, it is often necessary to resort to the help of doctors;

- the presence of sexual infections can provokebleeding. Most women exclude this version, referring to one sexual partner. But some STDs are transmitted by means of a contact-household way (through personal hygiene) and can be in the cells of the body in a latent state, until the immune system fails, then they fully manifest themselves;

- The next reason that causes bloodydischarge after menstruation, - myoma of the uterus. The first signs: sharp pain in the abdomen and lumbar region, accompanied by a fairly long and painful sukrovichnymi secretions;

- sometimes bleeding occurs immediately aftersexual intercourse or gynecological examination. This indicates the presence of cervical ectopia (pseudo-erosion). In some cases, compulsory treatment is required;

- if you periodically observe in yourself a sucronic fluid in any phase of the cycle, it can talk about a malignant tumor of the cervix.

As we found out, the reasons for this phenomenona lot, now you are informed and, therefore, armed. The main thing - remember that the blood discharge in women after menstruation is not the norm. Therefore, do not self-medicate and immediately go to specialists for examination. Otherwise, it can be a threat to your life.

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