/ / Spotting and their main causes

Spotting and their main causes

Normal allocation should be transparent, notcausing discomfort and discomfort. Also they should not have any smell and color shade. After menstruation, their amount is slightly less than before, before ovulation, the discharge becomes more abundant and completely transparent.

Spotting is a selection that is scantyby their consistency and have an admixture of blood. In the presence of some gynecological disorders, they can appear after menstruation, before and in the middle of the cycle.

So, after the end of the monthly norm is consideredthe presence of secretions that are not characterized by an unpleasant odor, have a liquid consistency and do not cause discomfort. After menstruation, their amount is very scarce.

Spotting discharge after menstruation can have several main causes:

  1. The most common is endometriosis of the uterus.Very often this condition is also characterized by aching pain in the lower abdomen, which become stronger immediately before and during menstruation.
  2. Very often, the cause is endometriosis of the cervix, which can develop after cauterization of erosion, as well as after abortion, diagnostic curettage or pathological birth.
  3. Sometimes spotting after menses appearsdue to the development of chronic endometritis. This disease can be a consequence of postpartum or postabortion endometritis, not cured to the end. Sometimes the disease occurs as a result of frequent diagnostic curettage. Concomitant symptoms are severe pain in the lower abdomen and serous putrefactive discharge, which have an unpleasant smell.
  4. If the secretion of this consistency is manifested infor a long time, this indicates the development of uterine hyperplasia. The fact is that in this situation, the thickness of the endometrium increases, which is often fraught with infertility.

Spots in the middle of the cycle canarise as a result of the aforementioned diseases, as well as due to the intake of hormonal contraceptives in the first months and as a result of the presence of an established intrauterine device. Often such a method of protection becomes the cause of profuse and prolonged menstruation, which can lead to the development of anemia. Because in this situation, it is strongly recommended to remove the spiral.

Brown spotting before the menstrual periodNorms appear 1-2 days before menstruation. If they appear earlier than the deadline or in the middle of the cycle, then the probability of developing a disease is high. Such secretions can result from hematological diseases, infections or hormonal disorders. They can also be signs of endometrial polyps or hyperplasia. If, however, as a concomitant symptom, there are also pains in the abdomen, secretions with blood clots, it is possible that a woman has endometriosis of the uterus or her cervix.

If there are spotting discharges instead of monthly,There may also be several reasons for this. So, they can be a sign of pregnancy. However, for the beginning it is necessary to pass an ultrasound examination, because similar signs are characteristic for ectopic pregnancy. Also among the possible causes are hyperplasia, endometriosis, hormonal failure and inflammation of the uterus.

Remember that brown extracts that havepoor consistency, are considered acceptable only when a woman takes birth control pills on a hormonal basis. However, this situation also requires medical confirmation and consultation.

If there is a disease, appropriate appropriate treatment should be given.

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