/ / Drug "Magnesium sulfate" (powder): instructions for use, indications, contraindications, dosage, price

Medicinal product "Magnesium sulfate" (powder): instructions for use, indications, contraindications, dosage, price

Medicinal product, which will be discussed inthis article, a sign, probably, to every person. This is magnesium sulfate, in other words, magnesium. But for what it is used, a person far from medicine may not know. In our article you will find detailed information about the medicine "Magnesium sulfate" (powder): instructions for use, dosage, as well as contraindications and much more.

Basic information about the preparation

magnesium sulfate powder
The main component of this medicine ismagnesium sulfate. It is produced in the consistency of the powder, diluted with water, then it can be taken orally, or it can be injected with it. The aforementioned tool has been known for a long time, but so far it has not lost its relevance, because it is very effective and strong. Despite the fact that pharmacy as a science is in constant development, and more and more new and modern medicines are being produced annually, physicians continue to actively use magnesia. If you take this medicine inside, it has a laxative effect. Since the drug is absorbed in the intestine is not completely, and only a small part of it is absorbed, as a result, the body accumulates water and increases peristalsis - contraction of the muscles of the intestine, which leads to its relaxation and emptying. Also, the drug removes bile from the body and is recommended to eliminate the consequences of serious poisoning, including chemicals and metal salts.

"Magnesium sulfate" (powder). Instructions for use

Prescribe this universal tool more oftenall with constipation or poisoning. The purpose of its application is also the cleansing of the intestine on the eve of surgical interventions and diagnostic manipulations. In addition, magnesium sulfate quickly eliminates convulsions, so it is actively used in gynecology to relax the muscles of the uterus, in particular when there is a threat of miscarriage.

magnesium sulfate application powder
That is, it means that magnesium does not harmthe fetus. There is another interesting way to use this powder. Very effective baths are considered with the above medication - their acceptance lowers the patient's pressure, the patient immediately feels relief, calmness and ease. Among other things, magnesia removes all harmful and unnecessary substances from the body, gives a person cheerfulness and strength. Therefore, such baths are recommended for those who have experienced stress or changed the time zone. Also useful baths with magnesium sulfate in the treatment of drug addiction and alcoholism.

Features of the application of magnesium orally

Take the above medicationyou can go inside, the "adult" dose is 15-20 g once a day, on an empty stomach. The powder must be previously dissolved in a glass of water. Children over 12 years are prescribed 10 g of the drug per glass of water. Children aged 6 to 12 years require 5-10 g of a substance dissolved in water. Babies under 6 years of age, this drug is usually not prescribed, and replaced by milder analogs, since magnesium is a potent drug.

magnesium sulphate powder price
There is a rule by which to calculatethe daily norm of the given medicine: 1 g of a powder for 1 year of a life of the patient. If you have any doubts about the dosage or indications for the use of the preparation "Magnesium sulfate" (powder), the instructions for use are contained in each package. It says in detail when and for what purpose this remedy is used. Please note that it is necessary to consume it only in a dissolved form. In this case, the use of magnesium is necessary only for the doctor's prescription, occasionally. For the prevention or continued use of the drug is not allowed.

Contraindications for use

Magnesium sulfate is potentdrug, therefore, like any similar, he has contraindications to the use. It is not recommended to use it in treatment if you have these diseases:

  • hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • individual intolerance to the main component of the powder;
  • internal hemorrhages;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • kidney failure;
  • serious diseases of the stomach and intestines.

magnesium sulfate powder
Caution is necessary to use magnesiumsulfate in heart diseases, it is recommended to consult with a doctor before this. Please note that after taking the drug may appear nausea, indigestion, vomiting, palpitations, thirst, dizziness, headache, fatigue, drowsiness, it is also possible a decline in strength. If the body was weakened by illness or exhausted, then after magnesia it is likely that the blood pressure will decrease and the speech will be incoherent. All listed signs are side effects of taking this medication. Also, care should be taken when using the above-mentioned remedy with certain medicines.

Some medicines and magnesium sulfate: use

Magnesium powder reduces the effect of antibiotics andlaxatives, which include calcium. If the attending physician has appointed you such medicines, then magnesium sulfate should be consumed 2-3 hours after taking any medications. Incompatible this drug is not only with calcium, but also with the means, which contain ethanol, salts of arsenic acid, barium and strontium. From the interaction with the listed substances, magnesia forms a sediment and does not have the desired effect.

Overdose and other information about the drug

magnesium sulphate powder price
To avoid overdose, it is necessaryuse the medicinal product in quantities appropriate to the patient's age. Symptom of overdose is diarrhea (indigestion), which does not stop for a long time. Buy a medicine is not difficult: in almost any pharmacy you can find "Magnesium sulphate" (powder), the price of one sachet is 10-15 rubles. Such a package for one-time use is calculated. Shelf life of the drug is 5 years from the date of release. Store it at room temperature, out of the reach of children. After the expiration date, it can not be used. The abovementioned remedy is usually given by prescription. So, we have considered all the main features of the drug "Magnesium sulfate" (powder): the instructions for its use are simple and described in detail in the article, the calculation of the dosage is clear, as well as the indications for the use of the drug. However, do not forget that a doctor can prescribe or recommend taking magnesium sulfate, so we advise you not to engage in self-medication, which can be dangerous to your health.

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