/ / Hemorrhoids and suppositories with hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids and suppositories with hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a fairly common disease,which mainly occurs with prolonged sedentary work, a sedentary lifestyle, with increasing pressure in the pelvic area and during pregnancy. The symptomatology of hemorrhoids is quite indicative. First, patients experience burning and tension in the anus during defecation, bleeding anal fissures begin to appear a little later, and then - turning the part of the rectum out of its limits and infringing it. In order not to reach the last stage, hemorrhoids need to pay close attention already at the first manifestations of discomfort after defecation.

Treatment of hemorrhoids is of two kinds -surgical and therapeutic. Trying not to exaggerate the pain, we only mention that surgical methods are used most often at advanced stages, when the hemorrhoids do not fit inward, they are jammed, fistulas may arise, necroticisation of individual areas.

In order to cure hemorrhoids without surgery,enough time to visit a proctologist, who will prescribe a drug for conservative treatment. Let's notice, uniform means not too it is a lot of - more often it is ointments or suppositories from gemmoroya. But in each dosage form there is a sufficient number of drugs that will help get rid of many manifestations of hemorrhoids.

Candles with hemorrhoids are the most common.At normal temperature candles have a solid consistency, and when injected into the rectum, they melt under the influence of body temperature and are absorbed into the blood, thus having a curative effect.

A modern pharmacist supplies candles for treatmenthemorrhoids in a wide range. Moreover, each type of drug also has additional properties that can help the patient. In order to properly choose a candle for hemorrhoids, it is best to contact the clinic for advice. So, in the presence of painful cracks doctors advise candles with analgesics, in the presence of inflammation - candles with the content of anti-inflammatory components .. These features should be taken into account so that the treatment is not in vain and was as good as possible.

A separate issue - candles with hemorrhoids pregnantwomen and nursing mothers. Here it is necessary to take into account not only the local influence on the problem, but also the effect on the fetus. In this case, suppositories for hemorrhoids are prescribed with the advice of a gynecologist, who will take into account the effect of the drug on the fetus. In most cases, pregnancy is not a contraindication, so a woman can easily pick up a similar drug from a doctor. No less choice of candles and breastfeeding, but do not immediately apply to "Mom's forums" - it's much easier to get advice from a pediatrician.

In any case, the purpose of candles should beindividualized. Among the many names there are such drugs that contain heparin - an excellent hemostatic component, prednisolone - an anesthetic, extracts of oils - anti-inflammatory.

In order to achieve a good effect, the candleswith hemorrhoids should be set correctly. It is best to do this at night, after taking a bath. The candle is removed from the shell and quickly, so that it does not melt, insert it into the anus. After that, you can go to bed - the candle in the meantime will act in the affected area.

Candles for hemorrhoids - an excellent treatment optiondisease at an early stage, but it is worth remembering that hemorrhoids are prone to relapse. In order for the disease not to repeat itself for the second time, it is necessary to revise the lifestyle, move more often, even with sedentary work, to find an opportunity to go somewhere, change food preferences (do not eat dry food, eat fiber products every day).

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