/ / "Lactophytol": reviews and application of phyto-tea

Lactofitol: reviews and features of phyto-tea application

lactophytol price
Breastfeeding the baby is the bestprotection, which from the first days of life gives him a mother. The unique composition of breast milk not only ensures the optimal nutrition of the baby, but also strengthens its immune system. This product is best absorbed by the child's body and guarantees good health. However, there are cases when, for one reason or another, lactation gradually decreases, and confused parents decide to feed the baby with infant formulas.

How to return the milk?

But no matter how the producers of baby food are advertised, the maximum approximation of their products to natural breast milk, it is still chemistry anyway. What to do? Stimulate lactation!

You can increase the amount of breast milktraditional ways - a lot to drink, sleep, eat well, do not skip feeding. In addition, you can use the recipes of traditional medicine. The phytosboric "Lactophytol" will come to the rescue. The comments of women who took advantage of this tea indicate that in most cases it helps restore lactation in full.

The composition of the phytospora "Lactafitol"

Many parents know that babiesnatural feeding, less suffer from diathesis, allergies, rickets, constipation, develop faster. Therefore, you should use all the possibilities to keep the milk as long as possible.

To begin with, all the herbs that are part of the collection are growing and gathering in Russia, and everyone knows us from childhood.

lactophytol reviews

In the composition of the collection of one quarter:fennel (dill pharmacy), caraway fruits and anise ordinary, as well as nettle leaves dioecious. And if there are no objections about fennel and anise (they are often used to reduce colic in the tummy and gas evacuation), some mums, publishing Laktofitol reviews, express doubts about the benefits of cumin or nettle. But after all the collection is intended primarily for the mother, so we remind that nettle stimulates metabolism, favorably affects the intestines, cardiovascular system, restores the tone of the uterus, and black cumin promotes the normalization of the secretion of the mammary glands.

Nursing mothers actively share on the forums theirimpressions from the use of Lactofitol tea. Reviews are mostly positive. It is said that the use of this drug allowed to restore lactation literally in a matter of days. By the way, it is also noted that in women who take this phytotea, mastitis occurs much less frequently.

Doses and methods of application

The packing is collected either in paper boxes (75 g), or in bundles with disposable sachets (1.5 g). There are instructions on each package of "Lactophytol", which must be observed.

Naturally, brewing bags is much more convenient: you lower it into a glass of boiling water (200 g), insist for a quarter of an hour and drink twice a day for half an hour before eating.

The grass must first be poured with boiling water (1 dining roomspoon on a glass of boiling water), then 15 minutes to keep in a water bath, then still insist for an hour without heating. If the rejected residue is less than one glass, top up with clean boiled water. An infusion is also taken twice a day.

lactophytol instruction
This dose is prescribed only a week after delivery. And it should be taken within a month. Then you can take a break and, if the lactation decreases again, repeat the course.

By the way, about the phytosphere "Lactophytol" reviews also are ambiguous. Some women claim that after taking tea, nothing has changed. But try still worth it.

Moreover, the price at Laktofitol is quite reasonable, affordable for a young mother with any income. In Russian pharmacies the drug costs about 100 rubles. And the benefits of this tea are obvious.

Although many people think that grass is safe, remember: the herbal remedy is also a medicine that has its indications and contraindications, and can cause harm in case of an overdose.

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