/ / "Profertil": reviews. "Profertil": instructions, recommendations

"Profertil": reviews. "Profertil": instructions, recommendations

Now we have to find out what earns"Profertil" reviews among doctors and patients. In addition, it is necessary to thoroughly understand the instructions for use and indications for taking the drug. After all, he is not assigned to everyone. And if you have any health problems, it is always important to know how to use this or that medicine correctly.

profertil feedback

What it is

It’s probably worth starting to figure out what we’rewe will deal at all. Profertil receives reviews from both men and women. But only as a drug that restores the reproductive functions of the body. That is, it is a kind of assistant in case of problems with conception.

Itself is "Proffer" the most commonbiological supplement for men. It should improve sperm quality and sperm activity. Thus, our today's drug can be prescribed only to patients suffering from problems with conception.


Who is shown "Proffertil"?Instructions for use states that this biological additive has a number of cases when taking medication. The first and main reason for which our today's vitamins can be prescribed is problems with reproductive function in men. We are talking about cases where violations are in the quality of sperm or sperm activity.

In addition, "Proffertil" is also a greatsource of vitamins and minerals. It is prescribed as a prophylaxis for problems with conception and with a deficiency of vitamin E, folic acid, zinc or selenium. A good way to enrich the male body with nutrients and at the same time improve reproductive function. In principle, more "Proffertil" has no direct evidence for use.

profrut instruction

Who is forbidden

True, there is a small number of contraindicationsto use. First, it is an individual intolerance to the means. It is extremely rare, but takes place. Secondly, it is a tendency to allergic reactions.

Thirdly, pregnancy and lactation are also prohibited. In principle, our current biological supplement is not given to women at all.

Fourth, it is worth noting that"Proffertil", reviews of which we will find out a bit later, is a drug that is taken only by adults. This means that the age up to 18 years is also prohibited, with rare exceptions (the emancipation of the person is 16). This list of contraindications ends. So, a biological additive is not so dangerous.

Mode of application

The drug "Proffertil" instructions for useextremely simple. All you need to do is to take 1 tablet of the drug with food (or immediately after). Once a day. The average course of treatment is 1 month. The exact appointment will give you the attending physician.

In the treatment of infertility, as well as extremelyThe negative indicators of semen dosage may vary. Practice shows that it is best to take 2 capsules of medication per day in such cases. And this is taking into account the course of treatment that lasts for 1 month.

profertil doctors reviews

It is worth noting that "Proffertil" has noside effects. So, the patient will not have an overdose. You can optionally increase the number of capsules taken, but do not overdo it. This is worth talking only with your doctor.


True, "Proffertil", whose price fluctuates inin different regions, the feedback earns is not as good among patients as we would like. The thing is that this biological additive is considered expensive. One small package (60 capsules) will cost a person approximately 6,000–7,000 rubles. A large (180 tablets) - 16 000. And this is not the maximum cost. It may be slightly higher or lower, but slightly different.

All this, of course, repels buyers fromproducts. After all, we are dealing with the most common biological additive. And there are no guarantees that it will give a good result after application. Nevertheless, some price tag does not repel. It is not a secret for anyone that the issue of reproduction is a problem that will require considerable expenses.


If we talk about the effectiveness of the application, then"Proffertil" reviews here gets mostly positive. Yes, many are not satisfied with the cost of the drug. But the effectiveness of the application remains at the height.

propertyl analogs

Many women say that progress is already visible.after about a week of regular taking "Proffertil". Doctors also note that after taking the course of the drug, you can forget about reproductive problems for a while. The main thing - do not violate the rules of the drug. Otherwise, the result will not be achieved.

In addition, often "Proffertil" reviews of doctorsHe earns exceptionally good, because it helps even in hopeless cases. In such situations, as a rule, the biological additive is prescribed, but the patient is informed that the result may be zero. After a month of taking the medication, sperm activity returns to normal. And this contributes to the conception of a child.

By the way, "Proffertil" is todayThe only biological supplement that gives a good result. It is confirmed by a certificate of quality. Other biological additives do not have such a document. And so this moment is a good reason for trust.


Whatever good "Proffertil" reviews have received,it, like any other means, must have its analogues. After all, not everyone is willing to pay huge money for the most common biological additive, which does not guarantee results. Some buyers think so, despite the fact that the product has a quality certificate.

profertil price

Of course, "Proffertil" has analogues.Only often they must be taken together. For example, folic acid, as well as "Spermaktin". If these drugs were useless, the doctor may prescribe "SpermAktiv." There is also such a means as "Androdoz". According to its composition, all drugs are similar. Their cost varies, but differs significantly from the "Proffertil". It is lower several times. On average, the packaging of any analog costs the buyer 1,500 rubles. Now we know what "Proffertil" reviews from doctors and patients earn. Also, analogues means no longer a mystery. What exactly is the drug used to restore the reproductive function of men? Everyone decides on their own.

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