/ / Stridoroznoe respiration in the baby. Symptoms and Treatment

Stridoroznoe breath in the baby. Symptoms and Treatment

The appearance of a child in the world is happiness for allparents, who are waiting for nine months. During pregnancy, the woman periodically goes to the examination to the gynecologist, gives additional tests. All this is necessary in order to be sure of the full development of the fetus inside the womb. Unfortunately, some pathologies begin to manifest almost immediately after childbirth. These include breath-breathing. What it is?

General information

Newborn babies sleep so quietly thatsome mothers think they do not breathe at all. Justified anxiety of parents causes noisy breathing. This condition is most often a sign of a congenital stridor. This is a pathology in which narrowing of the respiratory tract is observed. In some cases, it poses a serious danger to the life of the child.

Stridor, or stridoroznoe breath, ispathological noisy breathing, caused by congenital disorders in the structure of the larynx or trachea. Usually it is worse when coughing or crying. Treatment of congenital stridor, caused by causes of a functional nature, is usually not required. As the cartilage of the larynx grows, the pathology disappears. If it is associated with organic factors, serious surgical intervention may be required.

cyanotic respiration

Note that this problem is diagnosed mainly in newborn children. Stridoroznoe breath in adults is extremely rare.


In newborn babies cartilage is very soft.With this pathology, they are so elastic that they look like plasticine. During the next inhalation, the cartilage is joined, a vibration occurs. This is due to the fact that in the bronchi there is a negative pressure. Such phenomena usually pass. The pharynx gradually expands, the cartilage becomes firmer, and noisy breathing disappears.

For a baby who only recently appeared onlight, absolutely all the processes in a novelty. In this matter, breathing is no exception. Since the body has not yet had time to adapt to life outside the womb, the central nerves lead to a slight stress during each inspiration. When the glottis fuses, the air breaks through it with a whistle. Such a picture is usually observed in children with increased nervous-reflex excitability.

Stridoroznoe respiration occurs with congenitalweakness of muscles in the area of ​​the glottis. Such an anomaly can not be prevented. It is necessary just to have patience and wait this period. Breathing is normalized by the time the child reaches the age of one and a half years.

In some cases, the cause of the development of pathologyis the cyst of the larynx. Stridor occurs with the growth of education in the lumen of the respiratory tract. Cysts can be single or multiple in nature. If the formation appears only on the vocal folds, the pathology manifests itself hoarseness.

 Breath Creep

If a newborn requires intubation, alwaysthere is a certain risk that it will not pass without consequences. Stridoroznoe breath after extubation is diagnosed very often. In this case, it is necessary to follow clearly all the prescriptions of the doctor during the rehabilitation, in order to reduce the manifestation of the characteristic symptoms of the problem.

Signs of a congenital stridor

Stridoroznoe breath in the baby is manifestedsoon after birth and markedly strengthened in the first weeks of his life. Parents pay attention to a loud sound audible in the distance, which occurs every time a jet of air through the narrowed larynx breaks through. Noise can be hissing or whistling, sonorous and deaf, like the cooing of pigeons. During sleep or when the child is at rest, his intensity usually decreases, and when coughing or crying, it increases.

Stridoroznoe respiration in infants

With effective treatment and following the instructions of the doctor, as a rule, children with this pathology normally grow and live a full life.

Stages of development of pathology

Depending on the degree of disturbances, the stridor breathing in children is divided into four main stages.

  • Compensated. Usually does not require serious treatment, the body independently normalizes its work.
  • Borderline-compensated. It is necessary to constantly monitor a specialist.
  • Decompensated. Mandatory treatment is required.
  • The fourth stage is practically incompatible with life. In this case, the child needs instant resuscitation and the help of surgeons.

Diagnosis: how to determine the stridor respiration?

The causes of this pathology can be identifiedonly after a child is examined by a pediatrician, pulmonologist and neurologist. During diagnostic measures, doctors evaluate the general condition of the newborn, heart rate, skin coloration, muscle involvement directly in the act of breathing.

Mandatory conduct microlaryngoscopy. Additionally, chest X-ray, CT scan, ultrasound of the larynx, bronchography can be prescribed.

neonatal breathing

If a congenital goiter is suspected, an endocrinologist examination is necessary. In this case, ultrasound of the thyroid is usually prescribed, as well as a number of tests for hormones TSH, T4 and T3.

Acute attack of stridor. What should parents do?

As noted above, in most casespathology proceeds without serious complications, which allows the child to fully grow and develop. However, sometimes acute stridor attacks occur. They can be caused by infectious diseases or inflammatory processes. Usually, wheezing in infants is accompanied only by a characteristic sound. During pneumonia or bronchitis, the clinical picture worsens dramatically. The child has shortness of breath, the state is aggravated by constant crying. What should parents do?

wheezing is characteristic of

В первую очередь следует постараться успокоить baby It is necessary to call the medical team. At this time, you can ventilate the child’s room, because the cold air relieves the puffiness of the respiratory tract.

Stridorosis breathing: treatment and prevention

Pathology in compensated andborder-compensated developmental stage usually does not require serious treatment. In most cases, the symptoms of pathology are reduced to six months of life, and by two years pass completely. Experts recommend only regular monitoring by an otolaryngologist.

breath breathing treatment

In some cases, surgical treatment is required.intervention. There are several possible solutions to this problem: laser incision of the epiglottis with cuts, dissection of the scapala nigral folds, or removal of part of the scyphoid cartilage. During acute attacks, immediate hospitalization is recommended. In the hospital, newborns with a diagnosis of “stridor respiration” are prescribed hormone therapy and bronchodilator treatment. With the development of a critical state, tracheotomy is recommended.

Prognosis and prevention of complications

As the child grows, cartilage in the larynx becomesall the harder, and the lumen - wider, so stridor can regress without medical care by 2-3 years. At this time, parents should take care of the prevention of various diseases, provide the baby with good nutrition, create the most favorable psychological environment. It is very important that the child breathes well-moistened air, long walks on the street are useful.

 child's breath
If striated breathing is due toorganic causes, their timely elimination is required. When joining the pathology of respiratory infection and the development of respiratory failure in most cases, the prognosis is not the most favorable.

Useful tips for parents

  1. First of all, parents are advised to memorize all the associated pathology symptoms. This will help the doctor in the future to see the full clinical picture and take the necessary measures for treatment.
  2. Do not postpone the visit to the specialist. The sooner you find out the reason that caused the wheezing breath in the newborn, the sooner you will calm down and proceed to the necessary actions.
  3. As a rule, doctors advise in such a situation to wait for some time until the child grows up. The fact is that serious treatment is not always required.
  4. After confirming the final diagnosis, parents should ensure that the child does not catch a cold, fully fed. Such simple methods can improve immunity.
  5. The most important thing is not to panic, because the anxiety of the parents is passed on to the child.

Stridorosis respiration is characteristic of many pathological conditions. This problem should not be ignored, it is better to find out the cause of its occurrence in a timely manner, and then undergo a course of treatment.

We hope that the information presented in this article will be really useful for you. Be healthy!

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