To date, among the many humandiseases are widely known to be the intestinal flu. Symptoms, treatment have long been studied by medicine and do not cause difficulties. The name of his intestinal flu was precisely because his symptoms are very similar to ordinary flu - sore throat, chills, fever and body aches.
"What is this disease?" - you ask.Intestinal flu (or, in other words, rotavirus infection) is an infectious disease, at the beginning of this ailment the intestinal and respiratory syndromes are combined. Rotaviruses are pathogens of the disease, very resistant to external factors, they are completely insensitive to formalin and acids and are able to maintain their infectious properties for up to two years. Therefore, the treatment of intestinal flu should be taken very seriously.
The most dangerous intestinal flu for humansold age and young children. Experts still can not understand whether a person has a permanent immunity to the disease, if he has already been sick one day. Someone has an intestinal flu just once in a lifetime, and someone every season picks up this trouble.
Intestinal flu: symptoms, treatment.
The development of the disease is like an ordinary cold andinfluenza: the throat becomes inflamed, the temperature often rises and a runny nose appears. After 12-15 hours there are multiple liquid, foamy, foul-smelling stools, abdominal pains, sometimes vomiting, - traditional symptoms of the diagnosis of intestinal flu. Treatment should not be postponed until later, because the body is intoxicated due to illness, and this is very dangerous. Treatment consists in taking activated charcoal and other absorbents and observing a strict medical diet. Also it is necessary to prevent dehydration of the body - to drink as much liquid, tea and even ordinary brine. Especially it concerns small children, after all for them dehydration of an organism as a result of diarrhea is very dangerous. Breastfeeding, who does not want to drink water from the bottle, weep from a spoon or syringe. You can also give unsweetened compote or broth of dogrose.
Man comes to norm literally through a coupledays, but it is still a source of infection for other people. Therefore, try not to go anywhere for a while, so as not to infect others, because this kind of flu is easily transmitted by airborne droplets and through household items. Sneezing next to someone, you can, without knowing it, "reward" a person with this disease. You can also get infected through water and dairy products. The virus carrier can also be absolutely healthy person who does not even know about it. In general, intestinal flu is dangerous and cunning, the symptoms (treatment) are, on the contrary, simple.
Prevention of intestinal flu
To ensure that the disease does not violate your plansand just did not spoil the mood, observe elementary simple rules. For prevention, be sure to wash your hands before eating, and buy products by checking the expiration date. If you doubt the quality of purchased vegetables and fruits, you can soak them for 10 minutes in a solution of acetic acid (3%).
Do not delay the visit to a specialist, if yoususpected in yourself or your child the signs of such an unpleasant disease as intestinal flu. Symptoms, treatment do not cause any difficulties on the part of medicine, and a qualified doctor on the basis of a number of questions and inspection will recognize and help you in eliminating this "enemy".
To enhance the body's immunity, it is necessary to regularly take vitamin complexes, especially in the winter and during the season change.
And then you definitely are not afraid of such a disease as intestinal flu!