Bird flu

Officially, the history of the flu began back in 1997., in China, when the media raised panic around the world, reporting a sick person. Six years later, chicken flu was discovered in Asia and Europe. A new wave of panic caused a sharp decrease in the export of poultry and its consumption in food. The panic was caused by a high percentage of the likelihood of a fatal outcome when a person was infected, because at the time of the outbreak, knowledge about the disease was negligible.

The virus, with a short, non-talking simplea person with the formula H5N1 (or, more simply, bird flu) refers to types of influenza with type A. It affects birds, mostly wild, but does not mind living in domestic poultry. Timely diagnosis of it is very difficult, because it manifests itself either sluggishly or not at all. Mortality among birds is low.

Certain difficulties in diagnosing caused and incubation period - the virus H5N1 could show up only after two weeks (and even more) from the time of infection.

The main factor of infection was, of course,sick bird. The transmission paths are different - from direct contact to elementary airborne spread. The absence of large zones of damage to this virus today does not mean that the bird flu virus has been eradicated. The virus circulates among birds and now, which means that the risk of human infection remains.

It is impossible to diagnose independently,because the symptoms of avian flu are very, very diverse and can often point to another disease. The first thing to note is whether there are H5N1 foci in the region where the person is living. Avian flu is indicated by fever, nasal congestion, severe, shortness of breath. At first (the first days) there may be diarrhea without blood. Symptoms of avian flu include nausea and vomiting. The person is shivering, there is a strong weakness, a pain in the muscles. The temperature rises to the critical, at which the blood is curtailed and death is inevitable.

Avian influenza is not currently included in the category of a mass epidemic, but it can not be excluded in the diagnosis, because the virus can even bring thousands of miles to any bird and at any time.

Your analysis of the situation will help in diagnosing.When contacting doctors for help, report whether you have had contact with birds, especially if there are already cases of disease in your area. Do not refuse hospitalization, even if the diagnosis has not yet been confirmed. Avian influenza treatment is difficult, and independent treatment is impossible at all.

Preventive measures only slightly reducerisk of the disease, but do not exclude it at all. It is extremely important to isolate the sick person. This applies to both birds and humans. In the risk group, everyone who had contact with the source of infection, including physicians, is at risk.

To increase the resistance is recommendedpreparations "Algirem", "Arbidol", "Remantadin". But remember: these drugs are used for prevention, for treatment they are supplemented by other, more powerful means.

Avian influenza is treated permanently.The patient is placed in an isolated ward and discharged a week after the normalization of the temperature (not earlier). Methods of treatment of medical luminaries are still debated, but the introduction of antiviral drugs such as "Tamiflu" has already shown positive results. The "Arbidol" medication is also included in the category of effective drugs, the dosage of which is doubly increased in the first days. It is appropriate to use drugs adamantovoy group (for example, drugs "Algirem" or "Remantadin").

The strictest isolation of the patient is really extremelyis important. Avian influenza spreads easily and fairly quickly. Mortality, according to medical statistics, is 60% of all cases of the disease. Given the long incubation times and so blurred symptoms, and therefore - the complexity of the diagnosis, it is difficult to even imagine the scale of the consequences if the H5N1 virus is released. By the way, according to unconfirmed reports, this virus, having settled in the human body, mutates, "adapting" to new conditions ...

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