Since childhood we have been drinking this natural anda delicious drink. Is tomato juice useful? We will emphasize the word "natural", as in our time, manufacturers often deceive us. Under the beautiful packaging sometimes hide the usual tomato paste, diluted with water to the desired consistency. Other components are also used, with the help of which the reconstituted, concentrated and long-stored juices are made. They include salts and sugars, various preservatives, flavoring agents and colorants that give a unique taste and aroma, but not only are not useful for our body, but even harmful. Therefore, when choosing tomato juice in the store, carefully read the packaging. And to feel all the useful properties of tomato juice on your own, it's better to make it yourself.
How useful is tomato juice?Most of the inhabitants of our region have no allergies to it. Therefore, you can take absolutely no risk, use it daily. Some nutritionists are very categorical about juices, stating that this is just useless ballast. They believe that a person should drink only pure water, and all vitamins and minerals necessary for the body to consume with vegetables and fruits.
Fruit juices are really very easyare absorbed by our body and include a considerable amount of sugars. Then is tomato juice useful? It has very few simple sugars and it does not cause a rise in glucose. For example, in a hundred milligrams of this drink contains only three grams of carbohydrates and twenty-two kilocalories. Therefore, frightening facts about juices have nothing to do with it.
How useful is tomato juice?The main advantage of this wonderful drink is that it contains a lot of easily digestible and vitamins and minerals necessary for our body. Potassium, magnesium, cobalt and manganese have the most beneficial effect on the work of the heart muscle, and vitamins C, E, A, PP literally jump out of the glass, that is contained here in very large quantities. But speaking about how useful tomato juice is, first of all it is necessary to say about lycopene - an active substance, formed precisely in tomatoes. Our body does not produce it, and we get it only together with consumed food, mainly with tomatoes and of course tomato juice. It is thanks to this powerful antioxidant, these fruits and are painted in such a beautiful and bright red color. It is able to prevent the development of cancer cells in our body and protects us from the formation of malignant tumors. These useful properties of tomato juice can not be ignored, besides, they are preserved even when pasteurized.
How useful is tomato juice in cosmetology?It is due to the high content of lycopene in it, it best influences the processes of skin regeneration and is therefore very fond of cosmetologists. They recommend drinking this valuable product on a daily basis and be sure to include it in your diet before and after such chemical procedures as pilling. The use of tomato juice is necessary for better rehabilitation after sunny and other types of burns. It also helps restore vision, eliminate nearsightedness and color blindness. Vitamin C contains almost the same amount as in citrus fruits. Therefore, using daily two glasses of a wonderful drink, you will fill the body with the necessary daily dose of this vitamin, strengthen the body and, of course, significantly increase your immunity.
To top it all off, it should be said that recentlyJapanese scientists have established the fact that it is tomato juice that protects smokers from developing such a serious and almost inevitable disease in their case as emphysema of the lungs. So it turns out that this drink is not only tasty, but also very useful. Of course, if you use it in reasonable quantities. Experts recommend drinking no more than two or three glasses of juice a day.