/ How to use rectal suppositories correctly?

How correctly to apply rectal suppositories?

Drugs can be supplied inthe body in different forms, one of such forms are suppositories or suppositories intended for administration rectally. It should be said that this form of introduction into the body of medicines has been used by mankind since ancient times, for the first time rectal candles are mentioned in ancient Egyptian papyri. At that time, suppositories produced from animal fats, honey, plant juice, resins. Starting from the middle of the 18th century, cocoa butter was used as a basis for candles. Today, for the manufacture of suppositories use a variety of substances that contribute to improving the digestibility of the drug.

The peculiarity of such a dosage form asrectal suppositories, consists in the fact that at room temperature they remain solid, and at body temperature they melt, passing into the liquid state. The hardness of the candle facilitates its introduction, and in the molten state, the medicinal substances are evenly distributed along the mucosa, providing both local and general therapeutic effects.

Rectal suppositories have many advantagesbefore other dosage forms. For example, suppositories are recommended for emergency care, since the pharmacological effect on the body in the case of candles is much faster than when taking tablets. By the speed of exposure, rectal suppositories are not inferior to injections, but when applied they do not need to break the integrity of the skin. In addition, most drugs administered rectally have a prolonged effect due to the fact that the drug substance is released gradually and evenly.

Another important advantage of using these dosage forms is that the use of suppositories excludes the adverse effects of drugs on the gastrointestinal tract and liver.

Of course, to cure the patient went to the benefit, you need to properly apply it, so let us recall how to light candles rectally.

Algorithm for the action of introducing suppositoriessimple, but you still need to avoid mistakes. It should be noted that most drugs produced in the form of suppositories require storage in the cold. Therefore, when buying a drug, you need to put it on the shelf in the refrigerator door. This will not only help keep medicinal substances in the candle, but will also facilitate its introduction.

Before removing the suppository from the package,you need to wash your hands thoroughly and rinse them with cold water so that your fingers are cool. It is advisable to wear disposable gloves or use fingertips.

Now you need to take a comfortable pose.This can be a pose on the side with a semi-bent upper leg or standing position, leaning forward. We open the package of the candle (as a rule, the suppositories are sealed in individual bags). We hold the candle in one hand, and the second - we push the buttocks. Now we introduce a candle into the anus so that it passes the sphincter and is in the ampoule of the rectum. All this must be done carefully, but quickly, so that the suppository does not have time to melt away from the heat of the hands.

It is very important, before you insert candlesrectally, to achieve muscle relaxation. In no case should you inject the drug, pushing it with force, such actions can damage the mucous membrane. To ease the task, you can lubricate the tip of the candle with petroleum jelly or baby cream.

After the introduction of the suppository you need to lie down thoughwould be within half an hour, so that the medicinal substance had time to absorb. The best option is the introduction of candles before going to bed, after going to the toilet and the necessary hygiene procedures. During the night sleep the medicine will have time to assimilate completely.

But even if the candle was used before bed,In the morning, a slight leakage is possible. Do not worry that the medicine was not absorbed into the mucous membrane, just from the suppository there was a base in which the active substance was dissolved. As a rule, various fats, paraffins and oils are used as a basis today. These substances are not absorbed by the rectal mucosa by one hundred percent and that is why it is possible to release them to the outside. To eliminate the discomfort caused by leaking during the use of rectal suppositories, it is recommended to use disposable thin liners.

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