/ / Likbez for expectant mothers: the blood after birth is how much goes on time?

Likbez for expectant mothers: the blood after birth is how much goes on time?

To be ready for all troublespostpartum period, it is better to know in advance, the blood after delivery is how much time goes by. It is clear that this process is not very pleasant, but without it, the restoration of the uterine cavity is impossible. So, the discharge after the birth of the baby, as a rule, lasts up to 1.5 months. A few decades ago, it was believed that during this period, the mother with the baby should not leave the house.

Blood after delivery how much is

In medical practice, these allocationto call lochia. They differ from the usual monthly and the intensity of discharge, and in duration: in the first week they are quite abundant, scarlet. Already after 7-10 days they noticeably darken, acquire a brown shade, the number of them noticeably decreases. It is believed that for the first day a woman can lose up to 300 ml of blood. And the allocation of more of it is fraught with complications.

How much blood goes after delivery

In view of the fact that many have a pregnancyends not by natural birth, but by cesarean section, then it is interesting for women not only to know about blood after childbirth. How much is bleeding from the genital tract after the operation, they are worried no less. For some reason, there is an opinion among the people that after Caesarean the young mother is only concerned about the scar. But this is far from the case, interference in the natural process also affects the postpartum period: for such women, it is prolonged. Bloody discharge after surgery can last up to 2 months.

If you are interested to know not only about bloodafter childbirth (how much it is, of course, is important), but also about all the processes taking place in the body, then we will tell you about the causes of the appearance of lochis. The excretions that the woman sees after the appearance of her baby are the detachable tissues from the wound formed in the place of attachment of the placenta, part of the inner mucous uterus, the saccharum. That is why in the early days the blood is bright red, and in the first hours the woman is watched by the medical staff. After all, the mother can not know exactly how the blood looks after delivery, how much the process of excreta is, and how much they need to be intense.

Long blood goes after delivery
If the muscular layer of the uterus is poorly contracted orinternal rupture there is a possibility of bleeding. If this happens, the obstetrician must additionally scrape out the uterine cavity and inspect the integrity of the inner covers. In the case when problems do not arise, just 2 hours after the birth of crumbs, the young mother moves to the ward with the baby. Still during 3-7 days of allocation are intensive enough, often they go with clots. After the place of separation of the placenta begins to slowly heal, the lochia become less abundant, their color approaches the brown one. But be prepared for the fact that for a few more weeks they can increase with physical exertion or pressure on the stomach.

Every woman must know how much blood is comingafter birth, and monitor the abundance of excreta in order not to miss the onset of problems. If you notice that the discharge from the genital tract has become more abundant and changed the color from brown to scarlet, it is better to go to the gynecologist. Also, the too rapid cessation of lochia should be alerted. This may indicate that all the separated contents accumulate in the uterus. And this in turn is fraught with the development of infection in it.

If it seems to you that you have gone too longblood after childbirth, then this is also an occasion for a visit to the doctor. But please note, it is only natural that the lochia lasts up to 6 weeks with normal births and up to 8 - after the operation, a cesarean section.

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