/ / Salvia officinalis - the application has not become outdated even in our days.

Salvia officinalis - the application has not become outdated even nowadays.

Salvia officinalis - reliable and provenmeans. He is known since ancient times. The homeland of this small (up to 70 cm) dwarf shrub is supposedly called the Mediterranean. At present, it has spread throughout southern and central Europe, cultivated in the Crimea and the Caucasus, and introduced to America.

In fairness, I must say that not all kinds ofsage, and they number more than 700, are used by man. Salvia officinalis is the best known, whose use in medicine has more than one millennium, and sage is a nutmeg, tart taste of which has long been used in culinary art.

Sage in medicine

Some of the first references to sage can be found inthe writings of the ancient Roman writer Pliny the Elder in his "Natural History". He wrote about the properties of the leaves of this plant to heal wounds. Salvia officinalis, the application of which was described by Pliny the Elder, contains a plant antibiotic salvin in the aerial parts, which made it possible to heal wounds in those times.

Hippocrates called it "holy grass", andwomen of ancient Egypt were required to drink infusions of sage after epidemics and bloody wars. The sap of the leaves helped from infertility and, thus, the birth rate increased.

Modern medicine confirms healingproperties of the plant. Salvia officinalis, the use of the leaves and flowers of which has been practiced since time immemorial, is in demand today. It has anti-inflammatory, diuretic, astringent and hemostatic properties. From fresh crushed leaves make a compress on the tumor, rinse your mouth with sore throat and stomatitis with broth. To reduce sweating apply the collection of medicinal plants, which includes sage.

In the leaves of the plant is essential oil (up to3%). It is recognized as the most important medicinal factor of sage. It consists of alkaloids, tannins, caffa, cineol, ursuloic and other acids. Sage oil, the use of 2-3 drops of which during steam inhalation is strongly advised to add doctors, is used for diseases of the respiratory tract. Some contemporary authors recommend holding an aromatherapy session before making important decisions. The advice is based on the fact that sage has a positive effect on the nervous system, strengthening it. In addition, limb tremor is reduced.

In folk medicine, sage officinalisI found the application for a long time. For weaning, nursing mothers drank leaf tea. Broths and infusions were used to treat gastritis, kidney and liver diseases. Tea with infusion of sage leaves is an excellent remedy for hypertension, atherosclerosis and in the period of menopause in women.

It is dangerous to self-medicate.How to take sage and how much, you must appoint a doctor. It must be recalled that his drugs can not be taken with exacerbations of kidney disease, during pregnancy. For the preparation of weak herbal tea for routine prevention is enough 1 tbsp. spoonful of fresh cut leaves pour a glass of boiling water. Take no more than 3 cups per day.

Sage in cooking and gardening

Young leaves are used for cooking.salads. The spicy taste of sage adds a delicate flavor to fish and meat dishes. Dry leaf powder is used to make many varieties of hard cheese. The roots and stems of the plant are used in South America for the preparation of nectars in the hot season. But you need to use sage with extreme caution - the seasoning has a very tart and spicy taste.

In modern gardens, sage is grown not onlyfor medicinal and culinary purposes. The plant's bush is very decorative and, planted on the sunny side, creates a picturesque view, and in warm weather it fills the garden with aroma, exuding essential oil from the surface of its leaves.

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