/ / Ginger tea - a cure for seven ailments from the East

Ginger tea - a cure for seven ailments from the East

Ginger has long been used in the easternmedicine as a cure for a variety of diseases. Numerous useful properties contained in the roots of this plant, can widely apply it not only in medicine, but also in culinary arts. Ginger tea will warm you in the dank evening and improve your health at the moment of indisposition.

Напиток имеет немного терпкий и жгучий вкус и has an excellent warming effect. Using this property, ginger tea was much more often consumed in the cold season. Strengthening blood circulation in the body, such a drink helps to get rid of excess weight and increases the protective properties of the human body.

Wanting to get rid of numerous diseases,we begin to feed ourselves with medicines. But we do not always achieve a positive effect. And in fact sometimes it is enough simply to get a few positive habits, among them ginger tea. Preparing in the morning a small thermos of a delicious drink with honey and lemon slices, which should be drunk in small portions throughout the day, we will bring great benefit to your tired body.

If you are exposed to a strong psychologicalimpact on work and do not imagine your life without sedatives, then you just need ginger tea. The benefits that it brings, feeding your body with trace elements, will strengthen the nervous system and give up additional doping.

Be sure to drink ginger tea duringlunch, if your work is associated with great physical and mental stress. It is especially useful for workaholics. A total of one hundred grams of drink will help overcome the feeling of fatigue and will lead the body into tone. At the first signs of a cold catch, start drinking a cup of tea and you will have a huge chance not to get sick, at a time when flu and cold are raging. Tart drink will relieve spasms in the throat and help get rid of cough.

The use of ginger tea in the fight against nausea,caused by pregnancy, has been proven by the healers of the Ancient East. A small cup of tea can remove the attack of morning sickness and improve the condition of a pregnant woman.

Компоненты имбирного корня способны блокировать the production of prostaglandins, which cause inflammation in the body. Daily use of the drink will relieve pain and swelling, help with chronic migraine and reduce inflammation after trauma, infectious diseases and during exacerbation of arthritis.

If you have problems with digestivetract, then ginger tea should become a frequent guest on your table. With its help, you will be cured of diarrhea, remove the attack of nausea, get rid of indigestion and fits of flatulence. Ginger contains a special component, identical to the digestive enzyme, which the body uses to digest protein.

Особое воздействие оказывает корень имбиря на cardiovascular system. Regular intake of ginger tea will reduce the level of harmful cholesterol and help to clear vessels from plaques. Slightly thinning the blood and affecting the platelets, the drink reduces the formation of thrombi, which reduces the likelihood of heart attack and stroke.

An invaluable benefit of ginger drinkwishing to maintain optimum weight. Improving digestion, strengthening blood circulation and helping the increased burning of calories, ginger also contributes to a decrease in appetite. It is enough to drink a small cup of this tea before eating, and you can eat only half of the usual portion. Enriching the body with vitamins B, C and A, phosphorus and calcium, iron and magnesium, sodium and zinc, potassium and fiber, ginger can replace numerous vitamin preparations and have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole.

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