/ / Nursing care for angina pectoris: planning and implementation

Nursing care for angina pectoris: planning and implementation

There are a huge number of medical serviceswho provide services for patronage. This includes nursing care for stenocardia, respiratory diseases, after a stroke and a heart attack, for cancer patients, and so on, as well as first aid. Such services can be provided both at home and in the hospital. In this article, we will acquaint you with the assistance that a medical officer provides for angina.

nursing care for angina pectoris

Nursing care for angina pectoris: stages

Angina pectoris is a common form of ischemicheart diseases. The patient feels heaviness, squeezing, raspryanie behind the sternum. The help of a nurse consists in the immediate removal of this pain. The nursing process itself with angina includes five stages:

  1. Nursing examination. The patient's health information is collected and submitted to the sister card.
  2. Nursing Diagnosis. As a result of the survey,health status. The main methods of diagnosis are observation and conversation. Do not confuse with medical diagnosis. There is a difference between them. Nursing diagnosis is based on the description of patients of their problems (for example, physiological, psychological, social), which are related to health, and medical - on the recognition of pathological conditions. With angina pectoris, the patient complains, as mentioned above, pain in the heart, shortness of breath, as well as psychological problems that have arisen. Since the disease broke his plans and the quality of life.
  3. Care planning. At this stage, the sister forms the methods, timing, expected results, methods, those nursing activities that are necessary to achieve the goal. And the goal is the recovery of the patient.
  4. Plan implementation. Nursing care for angina involvesconstant monitoring of the patient. The medical worker should change the laundry, feed the patient, monitor the breath, monitor the pulse, follow the treatment prescribed by the doctor, constantly contact with the patient and his relatives, conduct soothing conversations.
  5. Evaluation of the results. This is the final stage at which nursing care for angina provided to the patient is evaluated and analyzed, and the results are summarized.

 first aid for an attack of stenocardia

Emergency care for angina

It includes the following actions:

  • The patient must be given absolute peace.
  • To help him take a reclining or half-sitting position.
  • The patient should be in a well-ventilated area.
  • Help him relax, calm down.
  • Give a pill "Validol", then, if the pain is notpassed, the second. If after twenty minutes the pain is still present, then perhaps the tablet "Nitroglycerin", let the patient put it under the tongue.
  • If the drugs did not help, and the patient still had vomiting, pain in the epigastric region and nausea, then immediately call an Ambulance.
  • Before the arrival of the doctor, be sure to put a mustard plaster on the heart area, and give a warm heater to your hands. All these actions will give temporary relief.

nursing process for angina pectoris

Неотложная помощь при приступе стенокардии aims to eliminate the pain that spreads under the left shoulder blade, in the neck and left arm. The nurse in this case is obliged to show restraint and work confidently, quickly and without too much fussiness.

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