/ / The best gynecologist-endocrinologist in Moscow: patient reviews, review and contacts

The best gynecologist-endocrinologist in Moscow: patient reviews, review and contacts

A female doctor, by tradition, is often calledwomen simply gynecologist. Although this is not entirely true, there are several rather narrow specializations in such a noble profession. And sometimes find a specialist is very difficult. It is very often in demand that such a doctor as a gynecologist-endocrinologist, in Moscow. Reviews of patients help to pick up not just a specialist, but an attentive, competent and really good professional.

gynecologist endocrinologist in moscow reviews

What kind of a doctor?

If about what the gynecologist is doing, they knowmany girls, then some of the activities of a gynecologist-endocrinologist have to be seriously considered. And it's worth knowing. The study of the hormonal background and hormones in the female body - that's what a gynecologist-endocrinologist is doing. In Moscow, reviews of a good specialist are not problematic, it is more difficult to determine the choice of a particular doctor. Moreover, the unstable hormonal background is a scourge of modern women. As a result of excess or deficiency of this or that hormone changes occur throughout the body, which often leads to excessive or insufficient weight for no apparent reason, mood swings, depression, unstable metabolism. In addition, violations in the endocrine system for the female part often result in infertility. Many women, before getting pregnant, have to undergo a course of treatment. And some of this is required and in order to endure and give birth to a healthy and strong baby.

good gynecologist endocrinologist in Moscow reviews

Selection of a specialist

Naturally, everyone wants to be treated by the mostthe best. According to reviews, gynecologists and endocrinologists of the capital are very bad, and very good, and quite ordinary. It is worth remembering that people's opinions may not coincide with yours. However, we should not forget that a large number of laudatory reviews from patients indicate that the specialist really knows his business and has proved himself well. A good endocrinologist and gynecologist-endocrinologist often do not work in a normal obstetric clinic, and getting to the reception is very problematic. Therefore, the appointment should be made in advance, making a bet not on one, but immediately on several doctors. In Moscow, fortunately, this is not a problem. There are many really good specialists who are ready to accept the patient at a convenient time for her.

gynecologist gynecologist endocrinologist in moscow reviews

Shaharatova I.A.

Irina Alexandrovna - specialist with work experiencein 23 years. Many women refer to her name and contacts as a "baton". And there are reasons for that. Having graduated from the medical institute with honors in 1992, Irina Aleksandrovna actively moved from theory to practice, constantly upgrading her skills and completing her knowledge base. Most often in the treatment it adheres not to traditional medicine, but to homeopathic alternatives. And this, too, is bearing fruit. In addition, for each specific patient, the doctor seeks an individual approach, relying not only on general data and statistics, but also on the comfort of women. This is really a good doctor gynecologist-endocrinologist in Moscow. Reviews about the work of Shaharatova Irina Aleksandrovna are very diverse.

What many patients do not like

Most often, girls and women who areOther reasons did not like the treatment of a specialist, they say that they prescribe to everyone the same medicines. To be more precise, biologically active additives and herbs. It is worth noting that many frivolous deviations in the hormonal background is really better treated with homeopathic remedies, without the use of drugs, which usually have a lot of side effects. However, in the presence of serious, neglected or chronic diseases, one should turn to traditional medicine. Those who seek to become pregnant, natural gatherings and infusions help to strengthen immunity and prepare the body for the long-awaited event. In neglected cases Irina Aleksandrovna turns to traditional medicine, appoints the most sparing, but effective drugs, herself conducts operations.

the best gynecologist endocrinologist in Moscow reviews

What do the patients like?

Reception Shaharatova Irina Aleksandrovna onToday it leads in a private medical organization “Health Clinic”, located in Klimentovsky Lane, or, as the institution was called by the people, in the “clinic on Mile”. Many patients like the attentive and sensitive approach, the opportunity to learn in detail about what kind of treatment plan is assigned, possible problems in its implementation. In addition, the majority notes the benefits of gynecological massage, which is not included in traditional medicine, but brings real benefits to the body. That is why many women and girls sincerely believe that Irina Aleksandrovna Shakharatova is a worthy gynecologist and endocrinologist in Moscow. They also willingly leave feedback on the work of a specialist in the clinic itself, and behind its walls. In addition, many patients note the high qualifications of the ultrasound doctor, who works in tandem with Shakharatova Irina Alexandrovna.

a good endocrinologist and gynecologist endocrinologist

Gevorgyan MA

Marianna Aramovna is considered one of the best.specialists in the field of treatment of infertility in the capital. Many girls and women turn to her on the recommendations, waiting in line for quite a long time. A doctor with more than twenty years of experience, who has been attentive to the problems and experiences of patients, Ph.D., an expert in his field. Many even say that she is the best gynecologist-endocrinologist in Moscow. Feedback on this can be heard not only from patients, but also from other specialists who refer women for consultation with Marianne Aramovna Gevorkian. Takes a doctor in the hospital number 68 on the street Shkuleva, 4. To get to a specialist, though difficult, but it is quite possible.

best gynecologists by endocrinologists

What do women like

Many say that the endocrinologist is notjust conducts a regular inspection, and carefully listens to the complaints and concerns of women. In addition, if necessary, Marianna Aramovna gives detailed, accessible and detailed answers to all the questions that arise, describes the problem and ways to solve it. Naturally, many girls and women who after a long time of infertility get the desired pregnancy remain grateful to such an attentive and professional person. And the reviews leave relevant. Marianna Aramovna is a benevolent and professional doctor who prefers to be attentive to the problems of her patients, to adjust the treatment plan if necessary.

What is not pleasant in treatment

Some are absolutely sure that paid medicine(accepts Marianna Aramovna for a fee) is the "extrusion" of money without a positive result in the end. That is why the specialist himself even recommends to undergo a consultation not only with her, but also with another doctor. At the same time, she does not say that the patient needs this or that gynecologist-endocrinologist in Moscow. Feedback in this regard is not the most positive. It seems to some that this is disrespectful and unreasonable - after a paid reception you should contact someone else to confirm or refute the diagnosis and treatment method. But in some cases it still makes sense, although it costs the trips for consultations in a round sum in the end.

Kaplina Lyubov Ivanovna

The first category physician with experience of more than 35years, which specializes in gynecology and endocrinology. The specialist in the clinic on Zoologicheskaya Street, Building 22, accepts. Reception is paid, the average cost of a visit is 2500 rubles. At the same time, signing up for Lyubov Ivanovna is quite difficult, since her work schedule is scheduled for months in advance. What does not prevent her from taking as many patients per day as possible. The approach to each of them remains purely individual, attentive and professional. Perhaps Kaplina Lyubov Ivanovna is the best endocrinologist-gynecologist (Moscow). Moscow's medical centers, which have many doctors of various directions in the staff, have repeatedly invited her to cooperate, but the specialist remained faithful to her clinic at Beauty Park, as the patient used to call this place.

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What do clients like?

The first thing to notice isfriendly and attentive approach to sensitive issues. Patients note that the doctor not only looks at the results of the tests, but also listens to complaints on a particular issue. And even the very high cost of admission does not bother anyone who applied. Many girls and women note that treatment plans that are prescribed by Kaplina Lyubov Ivanovna always bring the desired positive result. And that she is really a good gynecologist-endocrinologist in Moscow. Reviews of Kaplina l. are passed from mouth to mouth, from one girl to another. And not only in the capital, but also outside. At the same time, no one spoke the bad words about the doctor, he did not report negative opinions. It seems that the specialist is really worthwhile, a true professional in his business.

How to choose a good doctor

Гинекологи-эндокринологи Москвы, запись на прием to which it is sometimes very problematic, most often everyone is professional. But in order to choose a really good doctor, you need to listen not only to the opinions of patients who visited them, but also to the opinion of other specialists. So, in identifying a particular problem, a full-time gynecologist at a district clinic or hospital usually recommends that you consult a more specialized doctor. In addition, it would be useful to visit not one, but several gynecologists and endocrinologists. And only then choose the most acceptable treatment option.

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