/ / Belly in Pregnancy

Pregnancy whit during pregnancy

The physiology of the female reproductive system is such that any changes in the microflora lead to pathological excreta. By the nature of the secretions, one can presume a disease.

Allocate pathological and physiological excreta or leucorrhoea.

Beli in girls can be found during sexualRipening or immediately before the beginning of menarchy. Such discharge does not disturb the patient's life, they do not bring discomfort and do not irritate the mucous membranes. Most often, this condition is not long and passes through 2-3 days.

It should be noted that physiological leukocytes are often observed after sexual intercourse. This is due to overexcitation, and as a consequence, the increased work of all glands.

Belly during pregnancy can also be detected asvariant of the norm and pathology. In this situation it is very important to define a clear line. After all, any woman understands the severity of pathological processes in the body during pregnancy.

Beli at pregnancy as a variant of norm or rate haveslimy character. The color can vary from white or milky to transparent. Sometimes the discharge acquires a yellowish shade - this may indicate an inflammatory process. If the day does not change the daily gasket, the mucus can acquire a yellow tint during the drying process.

If the obstetrician-gynecologist has found out that the woman has leucorrhoea during pregnancy, then a number of examinations are necessary to understand the cause of pathological secretion. First you need to determine the source of mucus:

  1. Tubular secretions are most often serous orsuppurative nature and are associated with an inflammatory process or an oncological disease. In women in the situation, this variant of secretions may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in the appendages. With diagnostic manipulations, changes in the tube wall are revealed, its lumen is narrowed, and obstruction is possible.
  2. Slime from the uterine cavity can have veinsblood, sometimes very abundant. It is observed in endometritis and endometriosis, cancer of the body of the uterus. An attentive gynecologist can observe a change in the nature of the mucus in accordance with the progression of the process. During the diagnosis, the pathology of the uterus is revealed.
  3. The excretions produced by the cervical mucosa,can have a physiological character, but also be a consequence of inflammatory processes, injuries. Normally, the cervix produces about one milliliter of secret a day (in pregnant women a little more), but with normal operation of the mucosa and glands, the entire secret is absorbed back. If there is irritation of the sex glands, then they work in a strengthened mode and the mucus becomes larger. Accordingly, with an objective examination, you will see the presence of clear or milky mucus on the surface of the neck.
  4. If pregnancy can be produced andthe vagina itself under the influence of any factors on it. Most often this happens with frequent sexual contact, masturbation or the introduction of medicinal substances by douching or laying vaginal suppositories.
  5. Hyper secretion can also begin as a result of seeding with candidias or mycoplasmas. This condition requires special treatment, in accordance with the period of pregnancy.
  6. The last variant of pathological discharge is fromvulva, is characterized by external lesion. In this situation, the doctor will see the external manifestations on the large and small labia. Due to the fact that immune reactions are suppressed in pregnant women, such a situation in the practice of a doctor is not uncommon. Diagnosis is an objective examination and planting of the flora.

Pathological and physiological leukemia: treatment

The therapy of this disease will hang infirst of all, from the cause of the process. If it is a question of physiological hypersecretion, then treatment is not required. You can only advise a woman to prevent anti-inflammatory baths with chamomile and a more thorough personal hygiene.

As for the diseases, the approach will be individual. In no case do not self-medicate - this can exacerbate the situation, and in pregnancy - to harm the fetus.

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