/ / Medicine "Zincteral": customer reviews

Medicine "Zincteral": customer reviews

Drug that copes with the functionzinc deficiency in the body, is the drug "Zincteral". Patient testimonies testify to its high effectiveness in treating such pathological conditions as acne, pruritus, acrodermatitis.

Trace element zinc is part of the drug insulfate form. The advantage of the compounds of this type is the low ability to irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract and good absorption, which is 20-30% of the used dosage.

Zinc is involved in a large number of exchangeableprocesses, for example, in the reactions of biosynthesis of proteins, carbohydrates, as well as energy. It is part of more than 70 enzymes. The highest concentration of zinc is found in the liver, muscle tissue, testicles, bones. With a decrease in its content in the body, various pathological conditions associated with the loss of activity of the immune system, metabolic disorders in the skin and hair develop.

In case of weakened immunity after prolongedtaking hormonal drugs, for example, glucocorticoids, the drug Zincteral can assist in its recovery. Reviews of experts say about the high efficacy of the drug in preventing the development (in the background of immunodeficiency) of bacterial fungal, viral infections, allergic reactions. Zinc contributes to the stimulation of the mechanisms of humoral and cellular immunity, as a result of which the body receives additional forces to fight infectious pathogens.

As a prophylactic agent to reduce riskdevelopment of prostate cancer, you can prescribe the drug "Zincteral". Men 's testimonies also indicate an increase in libido and an increase in potency during the course of therapy with this medicine. This is due to its microelement, which in the complex treatment can have a positive impact on the fight against infertility in men.

Многие люди, страдающие из-за проблемной кожи, use the drug "Zincteral" for acne. Reviews really indicate a good effect of such treatment. All this thanks to the zinc which is a part. This substance can have a bactericidal effect, inhibiting the development of pathogenic microorganisms. The decrease in the total number of microbial flora leads to a gradual extinction of inflammation in the sebaceous glands, which is the main point of the pathogenesis of acne.

In addition, a course of treatment usingZinc medication helps to improve the local immunity of the skin, improve microcirculation and tissue nutrition. Vitamin A levels in the blood are also very important.

Means "Zincteral" for hair can be veryeffective in adulthood. The zinc in it will help men suffering from early alopecia. When baldness is observed a sharp decrease in the content of zinc in the cells of the epidermis and hair follicles. The drug helps to restore the imbalance of the microelement in the body and stop, and sometimes reverse, the pathological process of this kind.

Some people may complain about the appearanceside effects when taking a drug like Zincteral. Reviews suggest that nausea, metallic taste in the mouth, and abdominal pain most often appear.

The dosage depends in each case onclinical picture and goals of therapy. It is often recommended to take 3-6 tablets per day. To get a good result, you will have to take the drug for more than one month, and in some cases more than a year.

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