/ / Preparation "Phytolysin". Reviews

The drug "Phytolysin". Reviews

The drug "Phytolysin" isA natural herbal preparation with a diuretic effect. Its action on the body is the destruction of bacteria and various infections of the urinary tract, as well as the removal of stones formed in the bladder. The preparation is made in the form of a paste having a dark green color with a brown hue. The drug is intended for internal use. Paste "Phytolysin" before use is diluted with water in the dosage indicated in the instructions attached to it.

The composition of the preparation includes the roots of wheatgrass,lyubistika and parsley, as well as fenugreek and horsetail seeds, birch leaves and husks of onions, goldenrod and bird mountain herb, sage oil, pine, orange and peppermint. To give a pleasant taste to the drug, vanillin is included.

The drug "Phytolysin", reviews about the applicationwhich is evidence of its positive effect on excretion of stones from the body naturally, has the ability to convert these pathogenic neoplasms into flakes. Active components in the mixture of medicinal herbs that make up the product, produce an effect on the body, contributing to the removal of excess unnecessary liquid. They relieve inflammation and relax smooth muscle. The intake of the drug helps to activate the functioning of the kidneys and cleanse the body of toxins. It also reduces the risk of formation of sand and stones in the urinary tract by preventing the crystallization of minerals. The preparation washes out the already formed sand. It also helps to remove small formations of stones from the genitourinary system.

Medicinal product "Phytolysin", reviews aboutwhich indicate its high therapeutic effect, is recommended in the presence of inflammatory processes in the kidneys and renal pelvis, which are of an infectious nature. Its effectiveness in urolithiasis is proved. The drug "Phytolysin" cystitis cures very effectively and in a short time, as taking the drug helps to get rid of inflammation of the bladder and ureter. Before using the medication, you should consult a specialist.

Medicinal product "Phytolysin", reviews aboutthe use of which indicates the ease of its use, dissolves in the volume of one teaspoon, squeezed out of a tube, in a hundred grams of water, which is added sugar. The number of medications during the day is from three to four times. In a smaller dosage, the drug can be given to newborns. Since the composition of the agent includes components of only natural origin, it does not have a harmful effect on the body. It is forbidden to use paste with expired shelf life. In this case, the body can be harmed.

The drug "Phytolysin", reviews about the applicationwhich is indicated by existing limitations in its use, is not recommended in the presence of gastritis and gastric ulcers. Contraindicated the appointment of a medicament for inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, such as nephrosis and glu- merulonephritis. The drug has no therapeutic effect in the presence of phosphate stones.

When taking medication is presentthe likelihood of undesirable side effects. They can become allergic reactions to any plant that is part of the drug. Adverse reaction to the use of the drug may be nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Allowed to take the drug pregnant and lactating women.

The bulk of patients to whom the expert recommended the use of herbal remedy "Phytolysin", were satisfied with the effectiveness and speed of the therapeutic effect.

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